Reviews for BSCI330H

Information Review
Sabrina Kramer

Expecting an A+
Extremely passionate, extremely understanding, and will truly do anything to get you to understand the material. If you're in ILS you gotta take this anyways so why even look at the comments. Yes her teaching can be a bit hard to follow at times, but if you're in any other honors program take this, she has a ton of resources to help you out, and yes it is harder on exams because she loves VERY conceptual questions and the first 2 are in class on computer (but the other exam and final are both take home online), but they actually make you understand the class. With all the extra credit (for exam reflections and dressing up for halloween) you can easily both learn something and come out with an A.
Sabrina Kramer

Expecting an A-
Dr. Kramer is super helpful and understanding, which is greatly appreciated. However, I got nothing out of the lectures in this class. A 2 page cheat sheet is permitted per exam, which is so necessary because the questions are very detailed and misleading. I found that most of the points I got off on these exams was just from misunderstanding what was being asked, especially on multiple choice questions. I think if I took this class during a less stressful semester, I would have enjoyed the content a lot more.
Sabrina Kramer

Expecting a B+
Great professor! Note that you need to be in ILS or get permission to take this class. Like other reviews have mentioned, Mondays are async with office hours, Wednesdays are in-person, and Fridays are discussion. It's easy to fall behind here, so be careful. Exam questions are tough but doable, especially since you get a note sheet. Cell bio isn't my strong suit, but Dr. Kramer was excellent in explaining concepts and was very approachable. I would definitely recommend Dr. Kramer!
Sabrina Kramer

Expecting an A
Dr Kramer is fantastic. Super passionate about cell bio, teaching, and forming relationships with students. Format is a bit odd but it works (Mon async lecture, Weds normal lecture, Fri discussion activity with TAs). Exams only end up being like 40% of total grade?? with lab making up about 20% and HWs, online quizzes, and discussion activities making up the rest (easy points). Exams are hard and are definitely a step above regular BSCI330, but that's why this is an honors class. The difference is BSCI330H has more application based questions (experimental design and interpreting experimental data). Exams 1 and 2 are in person with a notes sheet, and Exam 3 and final are online. I would really suggest going to office hours because it's super easy to ask questions, she will explain topics until you understand them, and also will help with HWs. Lab- pretty easy, most of the time got out early. Group presentation at the end. Hopefully you get a good TA.
Sabrina Kramer

Expecting an A-
Dr. Kramer is such a sweet person and is really helpful when we need it. She also is always receptive to suggestions for improvement and makes sure to get to know us all (by requiring us to go to her office hours at least once in the semester). There are lots of assignments that are completion, and as others have said before, the third midterm and final exams are usually online. I think she sometimes went a bit fast especially with the format (Mondays async, Wednesdays typical lecture, Fridays discussion activity) and her exam questions are sometimes tricky to navigate, but she’s definitely worth it for those of you in ILS.
Sabrina Kramer

Expecting an A
Good professor, class isn't too bad either. she gives 3-4 points extra credit on every exam and even gives extra credit for dressing up for halloween. She lets you vote on whether last exam and the final are online or not. Usually, they're online. No curve because of this though, but you won't need a curve. Bunch of easy discussions that are graded for completion by the TAs.
Mustafa Khalid

Expecting an A
I had Mustafa for both MATH135 and BSCI330H. Very kind TA and always willing to help outside of class. Only con is he talks really fast so I had to ask a lot of clarifying questions.
Sabrina Kramer

Expecting an A
Dr. Kramer is super sweet and understanding, but to be honest, she didn't play as large of a role in this class than expected. Mondays are asynch and you watch videos posted online by another professor (which are pretty good), and then Kramer lectures on Wednesdays. Fridays are TA led discussions, which I found super helpful. In preparation for exams, really understand how concepts weave into one another and review practice worksheets! They often come back up on the exam conceptually. Cell bio is interesting to learn in general for me, so I didn't struggle much after setting my study routine up well. Kramer is not nitpicky about the small details and she will often tell you if a small detail will be tested on or not. She also allows a cheat sheet for every exam, so that's how you know she's not focused on the small details of cell bio but rather overarching concepts. Email her if you have any questions because she's super responsive in that aspect as well.
Sabrina Kramer

Expecting an A-
to start off, i think that dr. kramer does not lecture well in a large classroom setting, but she is so incredibly helpful during office hours or one-on-one meetings. kramer is extremely responsive by email and very understanding, you just have to communicate it to her. it was hard for me to understand content sometimes and I would go in for help and she would not judge me for not knowing the material or understanding. shes also very knowledgeable about cell bio and explains concepts well in small group settings. mondays are asynchronous, with videos to watch which were usually by a previous professor, and there was short 5 pt lecture quizzes due tues. wednesdays were in person lectures covering the lecture material for that week. fridays were activity discussions with our TAs. her exams were usually very application based, but they were very similar to what we did on friday discussions.
Sabrina Kramer

Expecting an A
Lovely woman and I honestly liked the class content a lot. Her lectures aren't the best but not terrible, and she overall makes learning cell bio fun.
Carmen Cantemir-Stone

Expecting an A
She instructed the lab section and put so many really stupid random assignments at the very end for no reason. Very frustrating to have a lab notebook, two presentations, and a quiz all due within the last two classes when there is so much going on at this time in terms of studying
Sabrina Kramer

Expecting an A
Dr. Kramer is a lovely person and incredibly knowledgeable but, her style of teaching does not work for most people. The class is blended, Mondays are asynch, Wednesdays are in person, and discussion is on Friday with the TAs. I think that the in person lectures are incredibly confusing and most times we don't get through them due to so many questions being asked. In terms of teaching style, she really just reads off the slides and depends on other videos to explain concepts in class. She doesn't really add to the slides and it feels like she's just telling us things instead of explaining them. Cell bio is already quite concept heavy and confusing and this doesn't really help at all. Just hope that your TA is good and they'll really be the one to help you through this class. Otherwise, just take 330 and not 330H.
Sabrina Kramer

Expecting an A-
Dr. Kramer is very knowledgeable about cell biology and wants all students in her class to excel. BSCI330H is a blended class, so we have online videos for Monday's lectures, in-person lectures on Wednesdays, and discussions on Fridays. The Friday discussions were very helpful in understanding the material and the assignment could be completed during discussion. Also, these discussions were done in small groups, so you really got to know your TA which was nice. The class itself has complicated topics, but if you go to all the lectures/watch all the lectures, go to Friday discussion, and complete the practice exams, you can do well on the exams. There are also a lot of other points in the grade book beyond just exams which really helps. The lab section of this class was a lot of busywork, but not hard. You do tend to stay in the lab the whole time, so account for that. I thought the course material was very interesting and Dr. Kramer presented it in such a way that was easy to understand. Also, she allows you to have two pages of notes for the exam which is very helpful and a good study tool. Dr. Kramer was very responsive to our feedback and wanted to adhere the class to our preferences in order for us to succeed. She is definitely the reason that I like this class so much even though it's hard.
Sabrina Kramer

For lecture recordings Professor Kramer mainly used the recordings of another professor which I found to be a weird dynamic for the class. We did not get to see her except for a few reviews and discussions so it would've been nice to know that we were at least hearing her through the recordings which take up the majority of the class, and I would feel I could approach her about questions more if that was the case. There was something due nearly everyday and this was good in order to keep active in the class but I found it to be overwhelming at times given being online the whole day for most of my classes and just needing a break at times. With recordings they went over the designated class block time of 50 minutes at times which was difficult for me as I planned my schedule with that in mind and I don't think because we are online any professor should disregard this time block as it's not really respectful of students time. Homeworks were few points relative to the amount of time spent on them. So essentially exams determined the grade overwhelmingly. Overall the lectures were good from the other professor, when Dr. Kramer did have videos they seemed to not go into much detail or have as much effort/be as clear. I felt like Professor Kramer was not really teaching the class though which is unfortunate. Hopefully this changes in future semesters.
Carmen Cantemir-Stone

Expecting an A
Very fair labs even in the online setting. Was flexible with due dates and when things got busy in the normal course she would move deadlines around to help us.
Sabrina Kramer

Expecting an A
Dr. Kramer is very knowledgable about the course material. She made the grading pretty fair, and organized the class into asynchronous videos which weren't too long and got to the point. The weekly discussion activities mirrored the exams and were pretty engaging. Dr. Kramer was very responsive to feedback and would post supplemental videos when topics needed to be clarified.