Sexual Selection in Nature

Prerequisite: Minimum grade of C- in BSCI207; or permission of instructor. Recommended: BSCI360 or BSCI370. Jointly offered with BIOL 708. Credit only granted for: BSCI338X, BSCI475, or BIOL708X. Form erly: BSCI338X. Sexual selection drives some of the most spectacular, if not bizarre, traits in nature. We will explore how organisms select and compete for mates and fertilization success, and how this powerful and pervasive evolutionary force shapes sexual traits and regulates species boundaries. We will focus on the key theories in the field and discuss recent and classic research papers. This is a student-directed class: course topics and materials will be selected based on student interests and involvement. On occasion, experts in the field will be invited to class to discuss their research. (Sponsoring Dept.: BIOL). Acceptable toward Biological Sciences speciali zation areas: ECEV and GENB (Ecology, Behavioral & Organismal).

Past Semesters

1 review
Average rating: 5.00

1 review
Average rating: 5.00

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.