Corporate Governance and Performance

Prerequisite: BUFN610. Restriction: Must be in Business and Management (Master's) program; or permission of BMGT-Robert H. Smith School of Business. Credit only granted for: BUFN630, BUFN714, BUFN750, BUFN753, or BMGT730. Formerly: BUFN753. Deals with corporate governance and its impact on shareholder value. Divergence of interests between corporate insiders and providers of funds leads to agency problems which can impair corporate performance and shareholder value. Various instruments of corporate governance - internal as well as external mechanisms - that can help align managerial incentives with those of outside investors, and hence help restore shareholder value will be studied.

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* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.