Special Topics in Computer Science; Robotic Process Automation

Academic studies project that Robotic Process Automation is expected to drive a new wave of productivity and efficiency gains in the global labour market. Oxford University conjectures that up to 35% of all jobs may have been automated by 2035. This course will utilize special software and tools to create software robots or artificial intelligence (AI) workers to automate data processing, software testing, and any repetitive work such as uploading student grades, entering data, and uploading receipts.

Sister Courses: CMSC388A, CMSC388B, CMSC388D, CMSC388E, CMSC388F, CMSC388G, CMSC388I, CMSC388J, CMSC388L, CMSC388M, CMSC388Q, CMSC388R, CMSC388T, CMSC388U, CMSC388V, CMSC388W, CMSC388X, CMSC388Y, CMSC388Z

Past Semesters

50 reviews
Average rating: 3.80

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.