Empirical Research Methods for Computer Science

Recommended: An introductory statistics class. Restriction: Must be in Computer Science (Master's) program; or must be in Computer Science (Doctoral) program; or permission of instructor. Credit only granted for: CMSC838G (Fall2005) or CMSC634. A graduate-level introductory course on empirical reseach methods for computer scientists. Experimental techniques for evaluating software systems and processes, human performance using interfaces, programming environments, and software engineering methods. Introduction to constructs and methods of measurements, qualitative and quantitative design, quasi-experimental and non-experimental design, baseline design, and statistical analysis.

Past Semesters

9 reviews
Average rating: 3.89

9 reviews
Average rating: 3.89

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.