Reviews for CPSA200

Information Review
Heather-Erin Bremenstuhl

Expecting an A-
This class is taken way too seriously. I am an all-A student. I did every assignment for this class. I got a 100 on both of the final projects (which were very long and tedious for a 1 credit class), but yet will be receiving an A- because no matter how hard I tried on irrelevant the pentathlon events, she always found a reason to take points off. These professors need to understand that while most students in CPSA appreciate and enjoy the arts, we have other majors and don't think that art is the most important thing in the flipping universe. Despite this being said, all professors for Art scholars are for the most part very nice and want to help you, they just have to take away their egos for a second and understand their class is not the "end all be all."
Heather-Erin Bremenstuhl

She cares about your mental health unless you're a dude. If you're a dude, you can pretty much just go fuck yourself, apparently.