Heather-Erin Bremenstuhl

This professor has taught: CPSA100, CPSA101, CPSA149, CPSA200, CPSA201, CPSA240, CPSA250, CPSA260, CPSP239A, CPSP318
Information Review
Heather-Erin Bremenstuhl

Expecting an A+
This review is more so on CPSA200, not just Heather. Heather was extremely helpful with the curation of my Capstone project through extra zoom meetings and emails, especially because I had to make a huge, last-minute change to my project. They say that you can easily do this, but it was daunting as they make you do so much research at the start of the semester. Although, they accepted my old research even with my new project as it was semi-related and they understood that I didn't have time to re-do the bibliography. This course was fine, it's just so late and often a waste of time. I live far and was dying to go home most days to finish homework, instead of playing pictionary at 5:30. Dumb. There were some cool activities like the African Drumming, but they start off the semester so easy and then push a lot of work on you for the capstone. I wish that all had just been given sooner. Highly recommend Arts Scholars, even though the Fall Semesters suck. Spring is a lot of fun both years with workshops and cool projects.
Heather-Erin Bremenstuhl

Expecting an A+
Arts scholars is so much better second semester freshman year if you pick a good workshop. Stick it out if you can, I had fun.
Heather-Erin Bremenstuhl

Expecting an A
As a person, Heather is great. As an art instructor, Heather is disappointing. I really just felt there was a lot of missed opportunities with the program - which is advertised as a community dedicated to exploring new art forms and making art. We did relatively little of the latter, while most of the former was done in ham-fisted Heather-led discussions and busywork. As many others have said, too much work for a one credit course that does VERY little for your academic career. Just do an art minor. You will learn more and at the very least be exposed to a more diverse collection of professors. Really tried to like it, but it came down to just being a waste of time that could go to succeeding more in other courses.
Heather-Erin Bremenstuhl

Expecting an A+
We kinda just talked about "what is art and how is it meaningful" for like 10 weeks, which is definitely an important topic, but not really one to spend a whole semester on .-. also the class was at a really inconvenient time but the people are nice and it's an easy A
Heather-Erin Bremenstuhl

Expecting an A
This class is an easy A. However, it is much more time-consuming than what a 1 credit class should be. Heather seems like a lovely and caring person; however, she takes this program way too seriously. The same questions are asked over and over throughout the semester and it was incredibly redundant.
Heather-Erin Bremenstuhl

Expecting an A+
Heather is a nice person, but talks to us like we are little kids and it is frustrating. The class is so annoying. The program is fun and more manageable than all of the other scholars programs, but colloquium is a rough hour and fifteen. The middle-part where we tried different art and the end projects are pretty cool, but the beginning was painful in that we focus so much on identity and don't learn anything. You are also put in a TA group so I never really got to know anyone else in the program besides these like 10 people. I hope to meet others in the future. I'm not going to do a separate review for Harold, but he is really nice. It's hard to make sense of the strange curriculum but he tries to explain it well.
Heather-Erin Bremenstuhl

Expecting an A-
This class is taken way too seriously. I am an all-A student. I did every assignment for this class. I got a 100 on both of the final projects (which were very long and tedious for a 1 credit class), but yet will be receiving an A- because no matter how hard I tried on irrelevant the pentathlon events, she always found a reason to take points off. These professors need to understand that while most students in CPSA appreciate and enjoy the arts, we have other majors and don't think that art is the most important thing in the flipping universe. Despite this being said, all professors for Art scholars are for the most part very nice and want to help you, they just have to take away their egos for a second and understand their class is not the "end all be all."
Heather-Erin Bremenstuhl

She really thinks her class is the most important ever, i respect her and her insights. Yet, this class is so pointless 9/10 times. I wouldn't recommend doing arts scholars.
Heather-Erin Bremenstuhl

She cares about your mental health unless you're a dude. If you're a dude, you can pretty much just go fuck yourself, apparently.
Heather-Erin Bremenstuhl

Heather is very kind most of the time and she says that she cares about student's mental health, which I believe because she does reach out to students who she thinks might be struggling. BUT, she takes this course very seriously despite the fact that it is a one credit course. The workload is INSANE for this course even though its only one credit, and when students brought that up, she just dismissed it. She seems approachable but ultimately just explains why her way is correct and dismisses your concerns. Sometimes she can also be very passive aggressive. Heather is also in charge of the attendance for this class, which she also takes very seriously. For, again, a one credit course, attendance is required and you have to go through a lengthy process of "proving" why you missed class in order for it to be excused.
Heather-Erin Bremenstuhl

Expecting an A
Heather is the “main” instructor of a team of instructors for Arts Scholars courses. She is very kind and lively, and she always takes the initiative to reach out to students if she thinks they are struggling. She makes herself very available and is always offering to help students in any way she can. She also has a lot of resources that she shares often to help students academically and emotionally. I really appreciate how much she cares about her students’ success. HOWEVER, the class sessions themselves can be a little pointless. I do enjoy the activities we do. We have a lot of guest speakers in class and we do something very unique every time. I can tell a lot of planning and thought went into planning classes. However, I notice that often when students will tell Heather that something we are trying in class isn’t working great for them, she will kind of shut them down and explain why she’s right and why what we’re doing is important. She isn’t ever rude, but it can be dismissive. The biggest thing I dislike about the course is that it is a 1 credit course, essentially College Park Arts Scholars version of UNIV100. However, we do have a lot of assignments, and I think Heather and her team largely overestimate how much students are willing and/or able to put into a one credit course. I can tell that Arts Scholars is really important to her, and of course it is important to her students too, but I think she is way too serious about it sometimes, to the point where it stresses students out. Additionally, oftentimes when you turn in assignments she’ll take off like half a point for a really petty and minor thing that the student didn’t even realize would've reduced their points, if that makes sense. It bothers me a bit that there is so much emphasis and importance placed on a silly little introduction course.