Reviews for ENCE320

Information Review
John Johnson

This professor is amazing! Though the class is 2:30 hours long, he makes every effort to keep students engaged and has us do team activities that are relevant to the material itself and the projects. He even in the middle of the semester changed how the course was taught based off of our feedback and the experience improved dramatically.
Miroslaw Skibniewski

Expecting a B
ENCE320 taught by Skibniewski was a joke. First off, there was no real syllabus - nothing on how the class would be graded, what his expectations were, the course policies etc. Second off, everything in the class was based off the textbook, which was a mandatory $50. He held lectures from 5-7:30 that were essentially him just reading off of the slides provided by the textbook publisher. Because the slides/lecture contained absolutely nothing that wasn't provided in the textbook, it was pretty much pointless to go. There were weekly reading assignments and homeworks that were also only based off the textbook, and many of the homeworks contained errors. There were two exams, a final and a midterm, that were both multiple choice only and that, again, contained errors. He didn't actually attend to help with exams himself, and never specified the format of these exams, leaving everyone in the class confused and unprepared. Studying for the final (cumulative) was especially hard given that feedback and correct answers for the midterm were not released, making it impossible to know what you did well on and what you needed to study more. In addition, because the exams were open-book multiple choice questions that were, again, based off only off the textbook, the exams tested how good you were at memorizing the book and looking up answers over anything else. Finally, a term paper was assigned that had no clear grading rubric other than "write about a specific project". This paper was worth a 25% of our grade. The class taught me absolutely nothing and the lack of effort put in by Skibniewski was appalling.
Miroslaw Skibniewski

Expecting an A
I'm generally the kind of student that thinks the professor is great when everyone else in the class hates them, but this is the first and only pretty bad one I've had. It's just the general lack of effort and clear communication on his part. Some things: - The whole course is a textbook on project management. The lectures are 2.5 hours (he occasionally lets out early, but far from always) of just reading the slides. Guy has some decent anecdotes, but there's no content beyond what you'll just get from reading the textbook. It's not surprising that class attendance dwindled to about 10 people. - The homeworks are all auto-generated textbook assignments, which quite commonly contain errors. He doesn't grade anything. The homework schedule got out of alignment with the chapter readings because he didn't factor in spring break. It took him several weeks of students nagging him to fix that. - 25% of the grade is a paper on an example of project management. There's no clear rubric or grading criteria nor any examples given of what he's looking for. - There were a bunch of chapters in the book that had homework assignments due which we didn't get to. He wasn't very clear on which were still due or not which led me to get a zero on some assignments that I didn't realize were still due. - There were questions on the final from parts of the textbook that we hadn't been assigned. - He rarely responds to emails, instead handing every inquiry off to his grad student assistant. - The final was supposedly closed book, but again the grad student was invigilating the exam and spent the whole thing on her phone at the front of the class, so I saw a bunch of people just looking up all the answers. In general, he just gives the impression that teaching effectively or putting together a well-functioning course is not a very high priority to him. The guy is clearly highly regarded in the world of construction management, but if he's such a big deal and teaching undergrads is such an annoying distraction to him, why is he still a professor? Wouldn't recommend very much.