Reviews for ENCE340

Information Review
Ahmet Aydilek

Expecting a C
I am shocked to see a single bad review. I think this man was born to teach! He is extremely organized in his lectures and the materials he provides. He had all the lecture slides and recordings of his lectures during covid which were extremely helpful. If you do not procrastinate and keep up with the material there is really no reason to do badly. I would recommend watching his lecture video before lecture so you're more prepared with questions, do the homeworks, and definitely study in groups for max success!
Ahmet Aydilek

Expecting a P
This guy is awful. DO NOT TAKE HIM if you have literally any other option for this class. This semester, we were entirely online, and all of his lectures were pre-recorded. Let me start off by saying he is such a stickler for academic integrity, we weren't even allowed to have a class groupme (even though all we used it for was helping each other understand concepts). He covers the bare minimum in class, and then expects students to be able to answer all sorts of trick questions on the homework. The HW is graded extremely harshly (averages were usually a 70 or below), and the exams are impossibly difficult and you are not given enough time. No mention of a curve, despite the averages for our first two exams being in the low 60s (exams are 85% of your grade, HW is 15%). This is one of the most frustrating classes I have ever taken; you can watch all the lectures and take good notes and still not understand a lot of the concepts. If that wasn't enough, the textbook is disorganized and does not include everything you need to know. All of this, on top of no groupme (so no one has any idea what's going on), is a recipe for frustrated and dejected students. He should not be allowed to teach this class again online. This is the first class I have ever come close to failing, going into the final with a 70.1 (my GPA is a 3.85 for reference). You simply are not given the resources you need to succeed in this class. Honesty, im just thankful we have pass/fail this semester.
Ahmet Aydilek

Expecting a C
I'm to sure if this is because we moved entirely online or what, but this class is awful. The exams are literally impossible; he does not give us enough time on them at all. No mention of a curve yet, when the class average on our last exam was a D. I am literally a straight A student and this class is impossible. The homeworks are unfair and the textbook is of almost no help (the course content doesn't really follow the textbook, and you are expected to know things he only mentions once or twice in lecture that are not in the textbook). This class is making me question my major choice, even though I am a second semester junior.
Ahmet Aydilek

Expecting an A
Great guy. hE really cared. I didnt find the topic too interesting, but you can tell her really cared about the students. His tests were very fair. I wouldn't go as far as to say he made soil interesting, but he made it tolerable... If I had to take another Geotech class I'd take him.
Ahmet Aydilek

John Martin
solid professor. the lectures were powerpoints or just packets, but he was a pretty lenient grader on homeworks. his tests did have a couple tricks in them, but for the most part they weren't too bad.
Ahmet Aydilek

Expecting a B
Excellent professor! Teaches the material in a clear, concise manner
Ahmet Aydilek

Expecting an A
Great Professor. This is my first semester here but he is my favorite out of all of them. Everything he teaches in class along with the power point slides, which are posted on blackboard, are all you need to know for the exams. Equations for exams will be given. You need the book for homework but he teaches everything you need to know. He is really good at teaching. He covers a ton of material but if you come to class, pay attention, and ask questions, he will ensure that you know what is going on. If you don't ask when you need help and do bad, that is your fault. If you ask him, you will understand. Also he has actual experience with geotechnical engineering and relates everything to real life. The second midterm and final get harder consecutively. They won't be as easy as the first. Know the concepts, not just the problems. He curves the final grade if the class average is too low so don't feel bad if you end up in the 80's at the end.