Reviews for ENEE324H

Information Review
Mark Shayman

He's not a bad professor honestly. He does a good job of teaching you the material and can be quite helpful in his office hours. His lectures can be kind of dense, but that's just because of the nature of the course; there's a lot of material to cover. My biggest problem with this guy is that he gives absolutely no partial credit, which can really hurt you on the exams. The average in my honors section was a D going into the final because of this. If you get stuck with Shayman, you will learn a lot, but if you're worried about your GPA, I'd recommend someone else.
Armand Makowski

This class was definitely an experience. There were only six people in the class, so, uh, if you're reading this Dr. Makowski, hello. Anyways, he's a decent lecturer, though my main complaint is that he sort of expects us all to be some level of mathematics wizards. His explanations are solid enough but when he starts doing example proofs I begin to contemplate my life decisions which led me to enroll in the ece honors program. The bi-weekly quizzes are easy enough but the grading is all over the place. A bunch of the test questions involve some arbitrary math trick which makes the question become super easy, which is great, because I suck at figuring sh*t like that out and end up with a grade that causes me to spend a thursday afternoon drinking my troubles away. The rest of the questions are multi-step, but the kind where if you can't do step one, you might as well end your miserable existence of a life because that makes the other parts impossible. Also the final was extended to four hours, because the we all agreed that probability is so baller that we wanted to have a double dose before we were allowed to go home. I am proud to say that after passing this class the amount of information I know about probability is so little that if you were to give me a probability question I would solve it the same way I derive the first and second moments of the cauchy distribution. I worked really hard on that joke and it's bad but what are you a math major