Reviews for ENEE380H

Information Review
Yanne Chembo

This professor is one of the best I've had. He really cares about students and wants them to learn the material. Quizzes and exams are closely related, if not identical, to homework questions, so be sure to do them. He makes class enjoyable and has a lot of stories that relate to course content. His desire to teach is evident and his dedication to student success makes the class much more manageable. I recommend taking a course with him, if possible!
Yanne Chembo

Chembo is one of the best professors I have ever had, I cannot recommend him enough. He makes you want to learn the material and somehow makes you feel smart when you ask a question. All ENEE students should take Murphey and Chembo if they can.
Wesley Lawson

Expecting an A
Very reasonable, very awesome professor. The kind of guy you could talk to casually. Makes jokes and interacts with class. Isn't afraid of "dumb" questions, and you can interrupt him at any time. If you do your homework, maybe read the (optional) book or his uploaded notes, you will be in good shape. He even gave my class a 10 percent boost because we all came in wearing T-Shirts with Maxwell's equations on them! I wish I could have taken him for ENEE200 as well.
Julius Goldhar

Very difficult to follow his lectures. However, his homeworks and exams are relatively easy. He also allows cheat sheets so I pretty much memorized how to do problems instead of learning anything.
Julius Goldhar

Expecting an A-
Honestly, hes a pretty bad professor. His lectures are practically worthless because they're too disorganized to follow, and if you're in the honors section, you don't even have the benefit of getting a TA to help you because he leads the discussion himself. The only reason I'm giving him 3 stars is because his tests are pretty easy. He grades very easily and will often give you full credit on a problem so long as you have the right idea, even if you made a couple computational errors. Overall I'd say his class isn't too bad but I'd try and find another professor if I was you.
Thomas Antonsen

Expecting an A
Antonsen was a good professor for the most part. His lectures tend to be boring but he's good at explaining the material if you manage to pay attention. The exams were alright, a combination of straightforward problems and ones we've never seen (but doable given the stuff he talked about in class). He curves generously in the end.
Thomas Antonsen

Expecting an A
I took PHYS270 and ENEE380/380H with Dr. Antonsen. Physics was alright - the class itself is an odd mashup of material that was mostly very boring. Antonsen did a good job of making it bearable, often injecting humor into the giant 300 person lectures. 380 was interesting and often very challenging - this semester the lecture was both honors and non-honors at the same time. The honors kids and regular students did exactly the same thing. I don't think I'd recommend taking this type of mixed class if you aren't doing honors - its just more challenging for non honors students who end up doing extra work they never signed up for. Antonsen was way more boring in 380 - maybe that's just the material though. Dr. Antonsen is a good professor and a pretty solid choice for physics. Take Waks if you can for 380, though.