Julius Goldhar

This professor has taught: EDSP652, ENEE101, ENEE205, ENEE290, ENEE380, ENEE380H, ENEE381, ENEE488, ENEE489Q, ENEE789Q, ENEE790, ENEE791
Information Review
Julius Goldhar

Expecting an A+
As previous reviews stated, pretty much a nothing class that consists of two labs that correspond with the prior week's lecture. For the weekly Friday lecture, they bring in a specialist in some sort of ECE field who talks about that field, and it's pretty enjoyable. Just follow the steps for each lab, listen to your TA, and turn in your work and you'll get an A. I find it crazy that students get anything under 95% in this class as the only thing you have to do is turn in your labs/pre-labs. The labs are also pretty interesting towards the end of the semester as the focus shifts from MatLab to Python, Arduino, and autonomous robots. Never met Goldhar personally but from the few times he spoke at lectures he seems like a good guy, TAs teach the entire class but they're all great for the most part.
Julius Goldhar

Expecting an A
I loved taking this course with Goldhar. As he says from the start, homeworks are difficult so that you find the tests to be easy. Only 2 midterms, and on both and the final he used problems directly from the practice problems he gave out. The course goes very fast, and the best way to describe his teaching is, well, jittery? The diff-eq section was understandable by just giving yourself time to process what you just learned (I'd say it took about a week, from learning + discussion and lab), and for linear algebra there are so many resources online that you'll get the hang of it. Our TA was very reliable, so having him as a resource also probably helped me get a good grade. There's also an immediate +5 curve for the class, an 85% is considered an A-, which is really nice. Its a lot of work, but he knows this, and his leniency with grading makes up for it.
Julius Goldhar

Expecting an A
The 12/01/23 review is excellent. TA-run class, so best of luck there, but do the work, get what you can out of it, and move on. I got to have lab with the professor several times since my TA had some things come up, and Goldhar does seem well-meaning though will start arguments with students sometimes.
Julius Goldhar

Expecting an A+
This class is pretty much a nothing class. You will do two labs every week with little difficulty. Many of the topics in the labs you will do involve MATLAB, Arduino, Python, and circuiting with breadboards. If you have any prior experience with basic engineering concepts, it will be a breeze for you. The TAs are very nice and will explain the labs to you, answer questions, and walk you through the more confusing ones. Most, if not all of the labs can be completed in the given two-hour period. Every Friday, you will have a mandatory hour-long lecture by different professors every other week regarding a different topic that you will cover in the following labs. Attendance will be 20% of your grade where you just answer a password-locked quiz saying you were there and filling out a paragraph of what you learned. There will also be an extra credit paper you can submit as an optional final to make up any lost credit. You won't really talk to Professor Goldhar at all, but he will pass by the lab room to make sure your jackets and backpacks aren't by the lab stations. Overall, pretty easy class, can be boring sometimes, run by the TA's who are helpful.
Julius Goldhar

Expecting an A+
Took 380 with Goldhar last semester His lectures were interesting and tests were very fair. Very helpful in office hours and gave some practical simulation problems for extra credit which were pretty fun.
Julius Goldhar

Expecting an A
Personally Goldhar is not the best at teaching, he does go fast but he does give a ton of resources for you for finals and midterms that are similar to the exam. Homework takes a long time to complete as well but there are times where studying the homework can help you a lot for the midterms and fortunately, Goldhar had an extremely goated lineup of TAs this semester (love you Justin), so going to office hours were extremely helpful for homework or any general questions you had. Goldhar himself though is very nice, its just times in lectures where he teaches the content pretty fast and then expects you to understand a lot of content that can be pretty confusing.
Julius Goldhar

Goldhar is a very straightforward, nice professor. His 205 class is alright, with my complaints about the difficulty of the material more than anything specific about the Prof. Not very engaging, but his slides are good.
Julius Goldhar

Expecting a B
this professor is the most incompetent professor I have ever taken so far. His lectures are messy and disorganized. Multiple times the slide sets he gives have errors in them that he only catches sometimes. This class should be easy, but with him it is not. Do anything in your power to not take this guy.
Julius Goldhar

Expecting a B
Some people here are saying this class is straightforward and easy, however in my experience with this professor nothing was straightforward and nothing was easy. The saving grace with this class was my ta offering much easier processes on doing the difficult problems. The homework’s in this class each took easily 5-6 hours each week and were only 4 or 5 questions. If there is another professor please save yourself and take them.
Julius Goldhar

Expecting a B
He moves through material quickly, but that's to be expected from an engineering professor. He is very accessible outside of class, and if you have questions he loves to answer them. Make it clear you want to understand more, and he'll make the concepts very clear. Also, your TA makes a huge impact on your success in this class. Overall he's a good professor, not the best, but someone who I would take again. His exams are very, very fair. The homework is a pain, but you can get by through the help of the professor and the TAs. Really the highlight of Dr. Goldhar is the fact that his exams are just like problems he gives, they're straightforward, and specifically NOT tricky. As long as you know the tools he's given you to solve problems, the exams are more than doable. Also, they're usually graded in 24-48 hours which is insane.
Julius Goldhar

Moves very quickly through material, doesn't give ample time for difficult concepts to really sink in, and doesn't explain things clearly enough. Maybe he's a decent professor for higher numbered courses, but for an intro to circuitry class, he's not a good professor. He is a great person and really does want to be helpful, but he is not good at bringing himself down to a level appropriate for a sophomore class where most of us are really thinking about circuits for the first time. Everything is trivial to him, so he does in general think that everything is pretty trivial to us too. This is a common issue with professors that really know their stuff, and are very intelligent, but can be very difficult in a class where there is no textbook, and self-study isn't really an option either. Also, his homework is quite heavy, and exams were weighted very heavily.
Julius Goldhar

Expecting an A+
Not the best professor teaching wise but he is amazing person. He respects you and will help you out during office hours. If you can't make it, he will accommodate at another time convenient for you. The homeworks are harder than the exams. The exams though are relatively straightforward and he doesn't throw in tricks in the problems. Review the lecture slides and the homework assignements and you will be fine. He also holds a review before each exam so make sure you attend them since the exams questions are somewhat based on the concepts he emphasizes. He also posts practice exams and problems which can help in exam prep. If you are willing to put in the work I would recommend taking him
Julius Goldhar

Expecting a B+
He doesn’t teach well in class. Going to class is useless. His class is basically a self-teaching class. Plus the problems on the exams are confusing. Avoid this Professor at all costs.
Julius Goldhar

Very difficult to follow his lectures. However, his homeworks and exams are relatively easy. He also allows cheat sheets so I pretty much memorized how to do problems instead of learning anything.
Julius Goldhar

Expecting an A
Lectures are very bad, but he posts his powerpoint online and those are good to study for the exam. He's very nice with grading I got a 40 on the 1st exam, 85 on the 2nd, and 89 on the 3rd and ended up with an A. He is also a genuinely nice person.
Julius Goldhar

Expecting an A-
Honestly, hes a pretty bad professor. His lectures are practically worthless because they're too disorganized to follow, and if you're in the honors section, you don't even have the benefit of getting a TA to help you because he leads the discussion himself. The only reason I'm giving him 3 stars is because his tests are pretty easy. He grades very easily and will often give you full credit on a problem so long as you have the right idea, even if you made a couple computational errors. Overall I'd say his class isn't too bad but I'd try and find another professor if I was you.
Julius Goldhar

Expecting an A-
Goldhar was a very poor professor. His lectures were poorly put together, he was too scatterbrained to follow, and often made mistakes which he would not correct. His homework assignments were too long, and were much more intensive than what we "learned" in class, making them impossible without office hours. Labs were long and poorly put together; even the TA's didn't always know what was going on or understand why he put things a certain way. Exams were doable but frustrating nonetheless. He walked into our second exam and said "I think I made this too easy." The average for this exam was a 67%. In general, you can understand nothing that is going on in the class and cram for the exam and still do decent. That being said, Goldhar is not the worst teacher at the University of Maryland, and his class is curved so that an 86% is a guaranteed A- (unless he curves more). I would not recommend Goldhar to a friend, nor would I take a class with him again.
Julius Goldhar

Goldhar's lectures are pretty bad. He's very disorganized and make a lot of mistakes and doesn't explain stuff too well. However, his homework problems are good and they're usually interesting to do. He gives matlab assignments which I thought was good because it's important to know how to use matlab. He is pretty good in office hours also. It's definitely important to have a good TA. Goldhar gives very reasonable tests though. They test you on relevant concepts and they're not pointlessly difficult. Definitely an easily passable class, but he's not that great of a teacher.
Julius Goldhar

Expecting an A
Goldhar constantly makes mistakes. everything he tells you is false. It is impossible to take notes on his lectures. If you do, you will not learn the material correctly. He posts slides (which he doesn't use in lecture) that are *mostly* correct, but not always. He gives out a lot of A's, but you dont learn anything. My understanding of the class is that a big part of what you are supposed to get out of it is how to use/read smith charts which Goldhar did not get to till half way through the semester. I would advise putting this class off till some other time if Goldhar is your only option. He is a nice guy at least... The book for the class is.. ok..