Reviews for ENES390H

Information Review
Jose Suarez

Here's some advice from an alum pulling six figures: open your fucking mind. I had Suarez years ago - and I am reading some shit advice from the current students: "your grade was just random chance" "doesn't teach you anything really valuable" "make sure to laugh at his jokes and tell him how great his speeches are" People who talk about assignments, exams, grades -- you didn't learn SHIT from him. You might as well have stayed home, because your brain was checked the fuck out in class. What were you doing, checking your Facebook feed? Here's the real deal: when you get out in industry, no one gives a SHIT what your GPA was -- they care about what you can deliver when things go bad. That's why you get hired: to solve problems; not because you got an A, passed a test or sucked up to your professor. If you expect your professor to spoon feed you what you need to know, then you're a tool and you'll get played until you learn to think for yourself. So how do you succeed in a Suarez class? FIRST. Go to class and approach what he presents like theory. It's abstract and that's the point: you need to figure out how to apply it to solve different kinds of problems. He's not going to give you a step-by-step, he's going to give you a compass heading. SECOND. If you think something is valuable, say so. If you think something is irrelevant, say so. Discuss your ideas and challenge your professor. You get what you put in. He told me some of the realest shit that is relevant YEARS later because I actually thought about where it came from. THIRD. Who gives a shit about your grade? You'll get an A. This is one class where you can actually focus on learning something rather than spinning your hamster wheel and churning out a grade that doesn't really matter. School is a game and no one cares about your score after you graduate. Don't like Steps 1-3? Quit and start a dead-end job because you lack the critical thinking to be in college.
Jose Suarez

Expecting an A
Dr. Suarez is great presenter and speaker but that's about it. He spent a majority of the semester giving motivational speeches and left only less than a month for the "semester long" project. He also picks favors in the class and left a few teams hanging with no help whatsoever. He does have a HUGE ego and perhaps one too big for the classroom. Get ready for HIS stories and HIS experiences and tell him how great and important HE is if you want to be on his good side.