Reviews for ENGL302

Information Review
Thomas Moser

He's definitely a good professor and pushes you to think very deeply about medieval literature. The class isn't flat out easy though, maybe because I took it online and I didn't know much about medieval lit until I took the class. It's definitely challenging (heavy reading): weekly quizzes, weekly discussion boards, two response papers that are due before you actually talk about the text in class meaning you have to read the book or text and write a paper on it in advance (which was a bit of a shocker but it was fine once you get used to it), two other essays (midterm and final), and then two short discussion leader "papers" (only like 300 words).
Thomas Moser

Expecting a B
This class is easy. You only have to do 3 short papers, 1 long paper, a midterm and a final. I have taken many ENGL classes that assign much more writing. He is really into what he teaches, and doesn't beat around the bush. He will flat out tell you that the characters "fuck like bunnies." Overall, a fun guy and an interesting class. I would recommend it.