Reviews for ENGL498

Information Review
Gabrielle Fuentes

Expecting an A+
Dr. Fuentes is so sweet and pushes us to go out of our comfort zones in a way that makes me actually want to do so! Like any workshop class, attendance is mandatory, but although it is a long class, time goes by fairly quickly. I have nothing bad to say about Dr. Fuentes, and I would definitely recommend taking one of her workshop classes!
Rachel Waugh

Had her for ENGL498 virtually; an excellent creative writing professor. She was very helpful during workshops, both with her own comments and making your classmates respond adequately.
Rachel Waugh

Expecting an A
I have had her for both ENGL352 half in person-half online, and ENGL498 all online. Out of the professors I've had for workshop so far, she is the best. We get ample time to discuss each other's work and the workload is reasonable. She is responsive to student concerns and grading is easy. On the subjective side, she seems to really understand your writing and doesn't shy away from telling you what you should be doing differently. Her humor is great as well.
Emily Mitchell

Expecting an A
There were a lot of extraneous assignments when I took this class. I felt that the level of work we were doing was not anywhere near "advanced." The class was rigidly structured, and we spent a lot of time discussing things such as "what makes a good sentence." While understanding the basics of rhetoric, plot, theme, and character development are vital to writing fiction, they are usually covered in the beginner and intermediate courses we are required to pass before making it to this one. So, I felt that our time was not being used as effectively. In addition, the restrictions on what kind of fiction we were allowed to write were disappointing. I feel that in higher level classes, freedom to explore our interests and talents should be greater, not lesser. She was a fair grader, but I did not enjoy the class because of the strict way it was taught.