Reviews for ENME351

Information Review
Steven Mitchell

WHY DO YOU MAKE THE EXAMS SO FRECKING HARD. WEEKS UPON WEEKS I SPEND STUDYING FOR YOUR CLASS. Friends none, money broke, academy f**** I actually enjoyed your class so much but then you give us sample exams that are 0% of what is actually on the exam? Like do you want your students to do badly. LOVED LECTURES but please make it easier for people to study for the finals and midterms I am a good student who just couldn’t get ahead in this class even though I spent HOURS studying like a maniac .
Steven Mitchell

Expecting an A
He's a very down to earth and relatable professor, if you've taken a course with Mike Galczynski in the past, Mitchell's demeanor is similar. He'll help you out with whatever problems you have as long as you ask him for help. He also has prelecture videos (about 10-25 minutes of watchtime per lecture) to help the pace of his lectures. Theres a ton of in class example problems, and his slides are organized well with plenty of real world examples and cool examples of mechatronic systems. His exams are pretty fair in my opinion, though some may not feel the same way if they're not as adept at programming. On a separate note, when choosing your section for this course, you'll either be assigned to the first or latter half of your lab section based on your last name.
Steven Mitchell

Expecting a C
Dr.Mitchell seems like a super nice man and he's very clearly super passionate about the course. He connects almost all of the material to real-world application which was super cool to see. He uses a "flipped classroom" for ENME351 where the students watch lecture videos and do a quiz before lecture and then do in-class examples. I didn't learn well with this method. The in-class examples were typically old exam questions, so a lot of times it was hard for me to even attempt them after just learning the basics of the concept. Additionally, we were typically 1-2 lectures behind in-class, so we would do in-class examples about topics we had learned the week before which made it more difficult to grasp the concepts. His exams were really difficult and I felt like the content of them was pretty different that what I anticipated while studying. He included a lot of real-world connection onto the exam by testing us on specs of various motors/sensors/microcontrollers we had talked about once or twice in lecture (he also cited what lecture he spoke about the hardware in so you couldn't say we never talked about it). I think I could have been a bit more successful in this course if he had been a bit more transparent about what we were expected to know for the exam. Overall, he's a good lecturer, but his exams/assignments are brutal. Just a tip, but the labs have to be 100% completed BEFORE your lab section time even though the lab is posted for everyone at the same time. I HIGHLY recommend picking a lab section later in the week so you have more time to work on it.
Steven Mitchell

Expecting a B+
Smart individual, clearly knowledgeable on the subject. However, as some of the other commentators have mentioned ,one on one time with him is a bit different than what he portrays himself to be. He can be incredibly vague and somewhat patronizing. There's just something beneath the facade he puts on that gets revealed ever so often. Exams were tough, there's a lot of material so some of the questions felt as though they were nitpicking. Make sure to prioritize time management because the labs take forever.
Avik Dutt

Decent guy, helpful and pretty good at conveying the material. Wasnt the most engaging but he isnt boring by any means. I would go to loonies with this guy.
Steven Mitchell

Expecting an A-
Good lecturer, I feel like a learned a lot. Labs were interesting. However, his exams can be challenging and somewhat confusing (especially the final which is 30% of the final grade and averages below a 60). And he doesn’t curve at all. Good luck.
Steven Mitchell

Expecting a B+
I find these reviews pretty funny. I interacted with Dr. Mitchell plenty 1-on-1 and had a good experience. Actually the only professor I've had at UMD that ever bothered to learn my name, ask anything about me, and talk to me. Meanwhile I heard from a few classmates how much they hated him. Beats me. He definitely does not have patience for dumb questions, that I do know. I heard some absolutely idiotic questions in lecture this semester that were so dumb that Mitchell clearly had a hard time even understanding what the student was asking. He will still spend way too much time trying to answer your bad lecture questions to the detriment of all the other students in the class. Mid-term was difficult but pretty fair overall. Be prepared, he could ask any little factoid that will have a major impact on your grade. I think he's a relatively lenient grader for the exams overall. I find the lectures don't quite give you all the info you need for this class, so I found that a bit frustrating at times. You're on your own for a lot of the homeworks and labs, the lecture notes will get you stared to a decent level, but be prepared to spent a lot of time on google and github to find a workable solution. Some labs can be very challenging due to the lack of resources. Lab grading for this class is very inconsistent. Your grade will depend heavily on what TA you get that week. Sometimes Mitchell comes in and grades in person. During the semester, the lab he graded was notably challenging, but he spoon-fed everyone the answers and gave basically everyone an A for that one. However, during the final lab 9 project lab, he was noticeably way harsher of a grader compared to the TAs. Some TAs will just have an attitude and do whatever they can to not give you an A, while some will do whatever they can to give you that A. Pure luck. The TAs will help you a ton in this class if you ask for their help, but don't expect them to code everything up for you. Overall I found the class extremely enjoyable as someone that struggled but liked the content of 350. 351 is definitely WAY easier than 350 so you have that to look forward too. Grading is much easier in this class. If you procrastinate, I'd recommend you pick a lab section late in the week as possible. The first lab section of the week kind of gets screwed by having the least amount of time to work on it.
Steven Mitchell

Expecting a B
Dr. Mitchell is a fake professor where he seems nice and friendly during lectures, but is terrible one-on-one. Once I asked him a question in office hours and he gave a vague analogy for me to try and understand his answer instead of just providing help. I left his office hours being even more confused. He posts a couple pre-lecture videos for students to watch (20-30 min in total) before each lecture which can be annoying, but they are helpful. During lecture, Dr. Mitchell will do a quick recap from the videos and do some example problems. He does make a lot of jokes that are funny at first, but some of them he repeats multiple times which I found to be creepy and weird. Homework's are hard, but the TAs/TFs are helpful and knowledgeable. Exams are really hard, so you have to know any and everything from lecture, pre-lecture videos, homeworks, and labs. For labs, all of the lab must be done BEFORE your lab section. Schedule lab time is where students demonstrate they built the lab successfully and then leave, so its short in-lab time, but a lot of time spent outside of lab. However, these labs are more interesting than in 350 and are a little easier to follow. For the final project, grading is based on the TAs judgement and how your project compares to everyone elses (lots of Bs and Cs).
Steven Mitchell

Mitchel is very fake-nice. He said that he will be there for the students on the first day of class but never seemed to actually answer a question in a lecture without dancing around it for a while and then ending with a nonanswer. His project grading sometimes felt very arbitrary, although the TFs in that class were incredible. The class material isn't bad but the exams were pretty hard and you will have to be prepared for pretty much anything.
Hosam Fathy

Expecting an A-
Dr.Fathy puts in a lot of effort. I think this semester he had a tough time and I don't blame him for being late on a few things. He made sure our grades never suffered because of his issues. He cares, tries, and will meet you halfway if you ask.
Steven Mitchell

He seems chill, but he is not. Don't be fool by the impression he gives off on first day of class. When you go ask him questions, the questions better be good questions.
Hosam Fathy

Expecting an A-
During the semester in which I took this course the professor switched from Mitchell to Fathy after spring break. At that time my learning basically stopped completely. The lectures lacked any useful content and the pre-lecture videos created by Mitchell were the main source of learning. Fathy made his own pre-lecture videos a couple times but they were always uploaded super late and some were just music playing as he filled in a powerpoint. He seemed to give up and just use Mitchell's videos after a couple weeks. The class was always behind schedule, lacked consistency in assignments, and grading was extremely slow (only when Fathy was teaching).
Hosam Fathy

Expecting a P
I would give this professor ZERO stars, if possible. He is incredibly lazy. He spends the first 15 minutes of each lecture discussing "objectives" for each topic rather than teaching the material. He expects his students to learn everything from pre-lecture videos (which are lengthy) so that he does not have to teach during lecture. Moreover, he posts quizzes with incorrect answers. Fathy made a 10 question quiz, and two of them were answered incorrectly on his end. A friend of mine went to his office hours to sort out the issue, and he only fixed ONE of the two answers (after admitting his mistake). It does not take long to fix an ELMS quiz. His final exam (25% of the grade) is no partial credit. Fortunately, I can take a "pass" just to avoid focusing on his final. Avoid Fathy at all costs. You deserve more for your tuition money.
Steven Mitchell

He is pretty great and chill until you have to actually interact with him one on one.
Steven Mitchell

Expecting a B+
Professor Mitchell is a talented lecturer, and comes across as very approachable, a real professor "for the students, his #1 concern". However his actions do not reflect what he says. Myself and fellow students would ask the guy simple questions often requiring a yes/no answer. He would go out of his way to NOT answer the question, instead supplying some BS that was often condescending in nature. He completely blew off the large majority of questions students had. He refused to post cut off grades at the end of the semester and was not transparent at all about how grades were being determined. He did not award grades on a fair basis, and projects of the same difficulty level were awarded wildly varying grades. When I approached him with proof of the inconsistent grading he admitted that there were inconsistencies, but told me he wasn't going to do anything about it. So if you want a smooth talker that will blow smoke up your a** take him, if you want a man of character and principle go with someone else.
Steven Mitchell

Expecting an A
Best professor ever! Really, genuinely cares about his students. I had him for ENME392, ENME351, and ENME489Y and can not praise him enough. Reasonable expectations for students, is very clear up front about his late policy, and is just a joy to be in the classroom with. He makes an effort to learn everyone's name even in classes of 50+ students.
Steven Mitchell

Expecting an A
Best professor in the department. Dr. Mitchell is a wonderful person who cares about his students and wants them to be successful. He makes an effort to learn as many students' names as possible (in a class of over 100). He is always prepared for lecture, and he is great at explaining concepts. Most of all, he is EXTREMELY approachable. Go to his office hours if you need help, or even just to say hi. He loves to get to know students. He's passionate about mechatronics and he makes the course fun.
Elisabeth Smela

Expecting a C
Absolutely awful teacher. She just reads directly from her crappy lecture slides. She also reported over 50 students for academic dishonesty.
Elisabeth Smela

Expecting a B
Smela clearly thoroughly understands and enjoys the subject, but her lectures are made as if being presented to someone who already understands it as well as she does. Almost everything was graded on completion, and extra credit was given out inconsistently (though this was due to the TAs). The exams were pretty awful, with both the midterm and final averages being about 50, even with extra credit questions. The class was graded so that even if you scored 33 on the exams you would still pass. Take Smela if you don't want to fail, but I can't recommend her if you want to really learn the material.
Elisabeth Smela

Expecting a B
I think maybe Smela has changed her style since these previous reviews were posted... they don't even sound like they're describing the same person. I found her teaching to be very informative, thorough, and clear. Homeworks are graded on completion - If you turn something in, you get 100/100. I've even turned in stuff that's only like 1/3 complete and still gotten 100. Labs are basically graded on completion as well. If you show up and get it to work, you get a 100. The midterm was graded pretty harshly - I think 50% was the average - but I believe she plans to curve the final grade if necessary. I would recommend Smela very highly!
Sarah Bergbreiter

Expecting an A
Great at explaining the concepts of mechatronics and electronics in general. I wish I had her for 350 because I feel I understand that class a lot more now that I took 351 with her. Also makes the material a lot more interesting.
Sarah Bergbreiter

Expecting an A
Excellent teacher, very clear, fair, and helpful. Dr. Bergbreiter and Kim did an excellent job of teaching the class. She does get annoyed when the class is noisy, and rightfully so, some kids have no respect.
Jungho Kim

Expecting an A
Good teacher, very intelligent and funny. The material in 351 is not hard but is incredibly useful for learning how to properly set up, run, and analyze real world experiments.
Elisabeth Smela

Avoid taking ENME351 with smela at all costs. You will thank me later. The only good part about her class is she speaks fluent english, so at very least you can understand the words she is saying. As far as the concepts she is trying to teach, she may as well be speaking an alien language. She should stick to her research and never teach again.
Jungho Kim

Expecting a B
Kim taught ENME351 along Sarah Bergbreiter. He is very clear and easy to follow, but the things he lectures about (in this class) tend to get a little boring. He is a funny guy and very organized in addition to being very friendly.
Sarah Bergbreiter

Expecting a B
Easy to follow lectures, good hand writing, moves slowly, and very clear. Grading is fair and material is not too much. Hardest part of the class is doing those 20 page lab reports.
Elisabeth Smela

Expecting a C
Smela is a very smart professor, but she does not know how to teach. She does not convey the concepts of the class and expects that everyone knows how to do the problems prior to her teaching us the concepts. Furthermore, she is a control freak. Every week she has a seating chart made for the class, which you must follow. She even has a seating chart for her exams. Her quizzes are not that bad, but the Labs are a waste of time. Her grading rubric tells you how to get an 85...yes an 85/100 is what her grading rubric tells you how to get. So save yourself and don't take this professor for ENME351.
Elisabeth Smela

Expecting a C?
Please, whatever you do, do not associate with this woman. Maryland really needs to take her out of the classroom. She is extremely smart, however I'm amazed every day as she will talk for 50min and not really say anything. Half of the class is spent learning how to draw graphs. The other half is a collection of random topics, topped off in the last two weeks with non-stop talk about her research. As I'm sitting here studying for the final, I really don't know what the whole class was suppose to teach me. Some other random comments: * There is one test during the semester. She had the entire class retake it because we didn't do well enough. *Yes, 60% of the class did drop, after taking the test twice. *Lab rubrics tell you how to get an 85/100, its up to you to go above and beyond to get that 100. *The labs are bullshit *Quizzes were given everyday at the beginning of class, that changed towards the end to once a week. *Office hours are not helpful *The seating chart was ridiculous, luckily after half of the class left, she gave up. *Homework is done by scouring Wikipedia and the rest of the internets, can take anywhere from 30min (when shes nice, that one time) to about 3 hours. In conclusion, do no take this or any other class with this woman. Ever.
Elisabeth Smela

Expecting a W
I would not take this class or any other class with Smela after what I was put through in this class. As the semester went on more and more seats were open with drops and grades just got worse. By the end of the drop period about 65% of the class had dropped. If you are up for one of the toughest classes out there then this is the one for you, unless you are a part time student only taking one class I would not recommend this to anyone.