Hosam Fathy

This professor has taught: ENME351, ENME361, ENME392, ENME488B, ENME489A, ENME489N, ENME605, ENME808A, ENME808B, ENME808R, ENME809B
Information Review
Hosam Fathy

Expecting an A
Hosam cares so much about students. He isn't just talk--while he does talk a lot :). He often stops class to provide interesting information of real world examples. He'll give you the thought process behind his process and often it's out of consideration for students. Content is taught in a much more real world and fundamental understanding approach. He doesn't just teach from the textbook. Truly a really thoughtful professor. Hosam constantly makes sure students feel okay and reminds you that it's about learning (something a Junior in MECHE should be reminded of). His exams are more than fair. Problems are short and only test you on one skill. This means exams are about 24 questions over 50 minutes, but you should have time to finish. If everyone does poorly, exams will be curved. Moreover, there are two projects. One makes up 10% of your grade and the EC project can net you a bonus 3% to your grade. This means you're able to secure a B pretty easily.
Hosam Fathy

Expecting a B+
Fathy is one of the best professors the mechanical engineering department has. He teaches with the intent of understanding and not necessarily just for people to receive high grades. He genuinely wants students to understand vibrations and goes out of his way to give real-life examples from his own personal life, famous examples, as well as modeling from examples we did in class. His office hours are excellent. He understands what he's teaching in and out and has an amazing ability to translate that knowledge into easier-to-understand language. The averages for the exams can be decently low but he curves them so it usually won't be an issue. The only actual gripe with the class is the homework. I find the homework to be sort of a time sink for not much gain in terms of how to do anything else relevant. Overall would highly highly recommend Fathy.
Hosam Fathy

Expecting an A
Great professor, his teaching style is a lot more down to earth in comparison to the other options for this class. Everything he lectures is easily digestible and he'll thoroughly answer any questions posed by the class. I highly recommend taking him (he only teaches in the fall, but will be on hiatus for fall 25) if you want to truly understand vibrations. The homeworks are based off of textbook problems and leave a lot to be desired. They're generally very difficult and convoluted problems where not much will be learned and a lot of time will be wasted. The exams are based off of a lot of small problems which he refers to as one step problems, rather than 3-4 large problems. They're pretty fair, obviously vibrations is difficult so the averages are still lowish, but he curves all the exams and the final grade.
Hosam Fathy

Expecting an A-
Hosam is a great professor who teaches the class in a way that teaches you something you'll remember instead of just learning how to memorize tons of formulas the week before an exam. The exams are fair and make sense and he's a nice guy.
Hosam Fathy

Expecting an A
"Know that things will always get better...moving on to the quiz!", If you know you know. Very great professor for this class. Don't listen to the review saying to avoid him if you want to learn from his class
Hosam Fathy

Expecting an A
If you want to learn the material not just get a good grade, avoid him at all costs. Everything is graded for completion
Hosam Fathy

Expecting an A
Hosam is one of the best professors I have had at UMD so far. The structure of 361 is very straightforward and he makes it easy to follow along as long as you go to lecture. He truly cares about all of his students and their ability to succeed in the course, so he designs all homeworks, exams, and assignments to be consistent with course material and there are no extremely difficult or trick questions. His exams are very easy when compared to other sections of the course, and he only tests on material that has been explicitly covered in lecture. There is also an extra credit assignment at the end of the semester that gave up to an additional 3% in the course grade I believe. He is very responsive to emails, and tries his best to be interactive in class and learn all his students' names. I would highly recommend taking this class with Hosam, which is only offered in the fall semesters.
Hosam Fathy

Expecting a B+
As someone who was forced to drop the class in spring due to medical issues: Fathy is the superior teacher in regards to teaching this class. Not only is homework collaborative and graded for completion, but he was genuinely better at explaining the material. He makes a serious attempt at keeping the class engaged in the content, and rewards participation. He also provides opportunities to gain extra credit. He's an excellent professor for understanding the fundamentals, but if you're not careful it could be easy to miss out on other important information.
Hosam Fathy

Expecting an A
Hosam Fathy really cares that his students understand the material and how it related to other things we may learn outside of his lectures. He also gave warnings about expectations for Vibes 2. Unlike some of the other people here, I really appreciate that he stresses the structure of the course and relationships between chapters, rather than rote formulas. He was fair with regrades and accomodations, but rarely should you need them. The exams we structured pretty different to home-works and class examples, wi9th very short questions worth one point each. After the first test, though, you know what to expect and old exams are made available. Also he repeats questions (not word-for-word but very similar content) quite a bit.
Hosam Fathy

Expecting a B+
Great professor, and answers questions perfectly, making class very manageable. Extremely smart and teaches the course completely from memory. Exams and curves are very fair.
Hosam Fathy

Expecting a P
Overall this class was pretty easy. Hosam makes everything completion so you only have to worry about exams. Exams are fair, but you need to be in class to do well on them. The reason I give him three stars is because he structures the class in such a way that you learn almost nothing. I think I learned the least in his class than every other class I've taken here. There's no motivation to learn anything since all the homeworks, classworks, and quizzes are graded for completion. As long as your work isn't completely BS you'll get the credit, so obviously there's no reason to learn the concepts until 2 days before the exam, after which you forget it all. He also takes up to weeks to get back exam grades, which doesn't make much sense considering his exams are usually multiple choice. My biggest gripe with him was when he would pass around a stapler during the exam so we could attach our equation sheets to the exam. I find it really distracting when the person next to me drops a stapler in my lap mid-question and I have to fumbled with all my stuff for a full minute so hosam can get my equation sheet. Makes 0 sense why he even needs our sheets since he says we can put whatever we want on them. Like just have a stapler at the front of the room and we can do it once we finish??? Ridiculous.
Hosam Fathy

Expecting an A
Hosam made the class relatively easy as the homework was only for completion and the exams were very similar to the practices. However, I felt his notes in class were disorganized and not always relevant to exams. I often felt like I learned the content solely from the practice exams. I appreciated that this class wasn't too much work and exams were straightforward, but I wish we did practice exams more similar to exam content. Overall, Hosam is a super nice and understanding professor and that class wasn't too much work.
Hosam Fathy

Expecting an A
Absolutely phenomenal professor. Answers questions extremely clearly. Exams are more than reasonable. Homeworks are hard but they don't really matter since the exam questions are nothing like them.
Hosam Fathy

Expecting an A
The absolute GOAT Hosam is the kindest man I’ve ever met and makes the class as easy as possible.
Hosam Fathy

Expecting an A-
This guys knows his stuff, is very nice, and does not try to academically haze you. Office hours are very helpful to understand concepts and he prepares you very well for exams in class. Never gives too much work at one time, if you are going to take 361, take it with him.
Hosam Fathy

Expecting an A+
Professor Fathy was an unbelievable incredible professor. He was engaging, fun, and clearly explained all of the material. You need to show up and pay attention but if you do that, youll be set. I heard a lot of horror stories about the vibes class but I learned more in this class than I have in almost any of my other classes. I cannot recommend him highly enough.
Hosam Fathy

Expecting an A+
This was maybe one of the best courses I have ever taken. I learned a lot in his class. Fathy placed all his emphasis on learning the material and not on grades. He repeatedly said not to worry about your grades and focus on the content. He is very approachable and patient when explaining concepts. If he could, he would give everyone an A or B in the class.
Hosam Fathy

Expecting an A+
Hosam is one of the most caring professors at UMD. However, you have to take good lecture notes and show up to class because he doesn't record the lectures or post notes. He cared more about us learning the material for the course than trying to fail his students, and all of the exams were multiple choice, which was nice. I would 1000% take this professor again and feel like I learned the material super well
Hosam Fathy

Expecting an A-
Professor Fathy is a great lecturer. If you pay attention, you will understand the course material. However, he uses different nomenclature than the textbook, so it id difficult to reconcile lecture notes with what the textbook says.
Hosam Fathy

Expecting an A-
Dr.Fathy puts in a lot of effort. I think this semester he had a tough time and I don't blame him for being late on a few things. He made sure our grades never suffered because of his issues. He cares, tries, and will meet you halfway if you ask.
Hosam Fathy

Expecting an A-
During the semester in which I took this course the professor switched from Mitchell to Fathy after spring break. At that time my learning basically stopped completely. The lectures lacked any useful content and the pre-lecture videos created by Mitchell were the main source of learning. Fathy made his own pre-lecture videos a couple times but they were always uploaded super late and some were just music playing as he filled in a powerpoint. He seemed to give up and just use Mitchell's videos after a couple weeks. The class was always behind schedule, lacked consistency in assignments, and grading was extremely slow (only when Fathy was teaching).
Hosam Fathy

Expecting a P
I would give this professor ZERO stars, if possible. He is incredibly lazy. He spends the first 15 minutes of each lecture discussing "objectives" for each topic rather than teaching the material. He expects his students to learn everything from pre-lecture videos (which are lengthy) so that he does not have to teach during lecture. Moreover, he posts quizzes with incorrect answers. Fathy made a 10 question quiz, and two of them were answered incorrectly on his end. A friend of mine went to his office hours to sort out the issue, and he only fixed ONE of the two answers (after admitting his mistake). It does not take long to fix an ELMS quiz. His final exam (25% of the grade) is no partial credit. Fortunately, I can take a "pass" just to avoid focusing on his final. Avoid Fathy at all costs. You deserve more for your tuition money.