Secure Operating Systems

Prerequisite: ENPM691 and CMSC106; or permission of instructor. And permission of ENGR-CDL-Office of Advanced Engineering Education. Credit only granted for: ENPM695 or ENPM808B. Formerly: ENPM808B. Additional information: This course assumes knowledge of C programming and a previous operating systems class or knowledge in various issues such as process management, process synchronization, the critical section problem, CPU scheduling, memory management, secondary storage management. Operating systems are the basic building block on which programmers build applications and on which security-minded professionals rely, whether they are monitoring activity on a computer, testing applications for security, or determining how malicious code affected their network. This course covers advanced topics in operating systems including process management and communication, remote procedure calls, memory management (including shared memory and virtual memory), checkpointing and recovery, file system, I/O subsystem and device management, distributed file systems and security. The course consists of reading and discussing research papers and includes a course project.

Fall 2024

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Spring 2024

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Past Semesters

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* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.