Reviews for FIRE160

Information Review
Yun Choi

Grading is slow, but it's worth it to have had Dr. Choi. He seems really intimidating at first because he's pretty expressionless but he's really funny and invested in your success. You should know what you're doing before you get to lab because he cold calls - but it really doesn't matter if you don't know the answer. Keep your lab notebook up to date, if you have a question it's probably already answered somewhere on elms, talk to him if you're ever confused. He's a really nice guy and really reasonable. He brings in food a lot - it's for the students and he gets kinda sad if nobody eats it.
Yun Choi

Dr. Choi great professor and respected by the class. He can be tough but if you need help, he is always willing to spend time to clarify the content. One caveat, grading can be slow.