Seminar; French Literature and the Wars of Religion
Taught in French. Literary and other primary texts related to the Wars of Religion, along with theoretical readings on war, trauma, memory, identity.
Sister Courses: FREN699A, FREN699B, FREN699D, FREN699F, FREN699G, FREN699I, FREN699J, FREN699K, FREN699L, FREN699O, FREN699P, FREN699Q, FREN699R, FREN699T, FREN699V, FREN699W, FREN699Y, FREN699Z
Past Semesters
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* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.