Reviews for GEOG441

Information Review
Keith Yearwood

Expecting an A+
As a CS major minoring in sustainability this class was perfect because the workload is very light and the class is only once a week. Just have a few quizzes which are open notes and a few reaction to video posts. There is a final paper which is 10 pages long but you have plenty of time to do and a final group project. Overall would definitely recommend.
Keith Yearwood

Expecting an A
Very nice and very interesting man! He made the lectures engaging and had many funny stories. The reason I wouldn't take him as a teacher again is that he is very disorganized. The syllabus does not accurately reflect what we actually do and the dates that assignments are due are also always changing. He would tell us the day of if we had a quiz. He also has only graded 2 assignments so far so I honestly have no clue what my overall grade will be. He is very lax on the assignments that we do and there is very little structure to our final paper or group project. That allows us to have a lot of freedom on the assignment but with no rubric, if I did it wrong then I will have no idea until after. He was a very nice grader and a very nice person but the class is kind of all over the place and I prefer a more structured class!