Keith Yearwood

This professor has taught: GEOG100, GEOG140, GEOG201, GEOG211, GEOG212, GEOG298C, GEOG340, GEOG345, GEOG384, GEOG384H, GEOG385, GEOG385H, GEOG398H, GEOG441, GEOG788T, GEOG792, HONR219W
Information Review
Keith Yearwood

Expecting an A
eh... Professor Yearwood is definitely somewhat disorganized, and if you really suck at standardized testing and memorization, I would advise against taking him. The class was basically just 3 tests each worth 25% of the grade, and 3 homework assignments (which were really easy). Each test had an 80-ish average, though he said he would curve (he hasn't yet since I wrote this). He always prides himself on the fact that his tests are "easy" and just memorization off his study guide: and while this is somewhat true, a lot of his tests have strange and honestly poorly worded questions that can make things so much harder. He claims that his questions aren't supposed to be tricky, but they honestly come off this way. There have been many times where questions are confusing, and I've been somewhat lost and had to rely on intuition and past knowledge. Another thing I should note is that Yearwood is clearly not too knowledgeable about this subject as a whole. I doubt most of those taking this class care to learn too much, but his knowledge often feels handwavy and very shallow, compared at least to my experience in AOSC200 with Henrikson. Overall though, despite these qualms, this is still probably one of the easier DSNS A's you'll find, as long as you're good with multiple-choice questions. Honestly, I do think AOSC200 w/ Henrikson covers a lot more than this class knowledge wise, though I think GEOG140 w/ Yearwood is slightly easier.
Keith Yearwood

Expecting a B+
Really nice guy- class is disorganized and tests are written oddly. Tests are all multiple choice but the writing of the questions doesn't make sense at times. I went in expecting a free A but quickly realized it wasn't as free as I thought.
Keith Yearwood

Expecting an A
I swear this guy leaves lecture and then disappears from the face of the Earth. Trying to get a hold of Keith Yearwood is like catching a tadpole while wearing mittens. Easy class though and he's actually really funny. Just don't miss any deadlines or have any out-of-your-control issues or else you're cooked. And don't even bother with office hours.
Keith Yearwood

Expecting a C+
Please avoid this class at all costs. This class was terrible. Professor Yearwood is the most unorganized and unfair professor you will ever have and I truly believe that. He is a nice guy outside the classroom, but terrible when teaching. He missed about 10 classes the whole semester due to jury duty which I understand he can't help but the second he got back, we had an exam the next week. After missing out on him teaching for so long, he just expected us to know what his exams were on. He says all he wants is for us to succeed but then when we ask questions about class or what could be on the exam he shuts us out, tells us to go home, and figure it out ourselves. He never responds to emails either, still haven't received a response from September. One time in class he walked out on us and threw a temper tantrum cause we did not do well on one of his exams, yet he had missed months of class. He told us we don't care about college and don't take anything seriously. ALSO, we have had 3 assignments the whole semester barely worth any points. He has yet to even grade them...and next week is the end of the semester. Your grade will be based on how well you do on your exams. Please take my word...and do not take this class.
Keith Yearwood

Expecting an A
Professor Yearwood is the best professor ever! He is so enthusiastic and funny. You could honestly skip all the lectures and still end with an A. He tells you exactly what is going on in exams and if you put in any effort at all, you'll end up with a good grade. If you're looking for an easy gen-ed, take this class.
Keith Yearwood

Expecting a B+
Prof. Yearwood is a very funny guy who tries his best to make lectures interesting. He's very honest and tells you exactly what will be on the exams. The class consists of three exams, all multiple choice. However, your grade in the class is almost entirely dependent on your success with the exams. There were three other assignments which took MONTHS to be graded. I studied exactly what he said to, yet my exam performance was mediocre. Some of the questions felt like trick questions. It could have been the way I studied, but I do think the exam questions could be worded better. He's a great guy overall.
Keith Yearwood

Expecting an A-
Lectures are quite boring as they are just powerpoints which are posted on canvas. Yearwood is easy to understand and seems to enjoy his job. He often makes jokes and goes on tangents during the lectures. Your grade is made up of 3 exams each worth 25% and a few other assignments. The exam questions are posted a week before each exam so as long as you find the answers in the powerpoints and memorize them, the exams are quite easy. Easy gen ed and a solid professor.
Keith Yearwood

Expecting an A
Professor Yearwood's lectures are very entertaining. He's an interesting person and super easy to talk to if you need help with anything. The class is very simple and the content is interesting, highly recommend this course if you need an easy I-Series GenEd!
Keith Yearwood

Expecting an A+
As a CS major minoring in sustainability this class was perfect because the workload is very light and the class is only once a week. Just have a few quizzes which are open notes and a few reaction to video posts. There is a final paper which is 10 pages long but you have plenty of time to do and a final group project. Overall would definitely recommend.
Keith Yearwood

Expecting an A
Professor Yearwood is quite the entertainer and his lectures were enjoyable. Unfortunately, he is not the greatest when it comes to exam prep. He will tell you during lectures what will be on the exam, which is nice. However, when the time comes, some of the questions are confusing with similar answers or there is a question about something he never taught, but they're still manageable enough to earn a passing grade. The nice thing is he never gives a heavy workload, so there's never a big reason to stress over his class. I would recommend taking his class as an easy I-series, just be aware of the exam content.
Keith Yearwood

Expecting an A+
Greatest professor ever! I love this man so much. He is a very nice professor. He makes very funny jokes. He is deeply in love with Daryll J. Pines, he wanted us to kiss Pines for him. Even if only 10 people show up to lecture, he tries to entertain them to the end. He made jokes all throughout the semester, even on the very last day. His teaching is kinda mid and boring tho. His tests are really easy, just make sure to memorize the slideshow/test review, and you will pass.
Keith Yearwood

Expecting an A+
Professor Yearwood was entertaining and a simple class. There are a few graded assignments usually just simple questions based on a video. He posts what will be on the exams, there are three that are not cumulative and count as midterm/final. Plus he doesn't have class on Fridays, despite the course saying MWF. I suggest this course if looking for an easy gened!
Keith Yearwood

Expecting an A
This professor is a great guy, he's funny and cares for students. This is probably the only gen-ed I genuinely enjoyed. I strongly encourage anyone looking for an easy/ enjoyable class to take this one.
Keith Yearwood

Expecting an A
Very nice and very interesting man! He made the lectures engaging and had many funny stories. The reason I wouldn't take him as a teacher again is that he is very disorganized. The syllabus does not accurately reflect what we actually do and the dates that assignments are due are also always changing. He would tell us the day of if we had a quiz. He also has only graded 2 assignments so far so I honestly have no clue what my overall grade will be. He is very lax on the assignments that we do and there is very little structure to our final paper or group project. That allows us to have a lot of freedom on the assignment but with no rubric, if I did it wrong then I will have no idea until after. He was a very nice grader and a very nice person but the class is kind of all over the place and I prefer a more structured class!
Keith Yearwood

Expecting an A
The professor is entertaining and tries to make jokes during the lectures and makes classes interesting. One thing he did that students should be aware of is a lot of the time he directly tells students what is on the tests. He also is repetitive on important information. Overall the tests are also pretty easy as well but there are only a few grades total.
Keith Yearwood

Expecting an A+
Interesting lectures, but all slides and necessary materials are uploaded to elms along with study guides for each of the exams so as long as you study the exact information you need to know from the guides for the tests it is super easy to get an A without much effort and is not a big deal if you miss lectures. your entire grade is 3 tests and a project that are each 25% of your grade, but they are all pretty simple so apart from being a little bit stressful they are only a little bit stressful because they're easy.
Keith Yearwood

Expecting an A
Funny and cares about his students. As long as you study using the study guide he gives you and do the one project exactly as he tells you to, it is almost impossible not to get an A. you do not have to attend his lectures but it helps and he is a good lecturer. Even gave everyone an extra 0.7 points at the end for no reason.
Keith Yearwood

Expecting an A
Dr. Yearwood is one of the most engaging lecturers I’ve ever had. Despite what some people may say, I would highly recommend going to class because he’s really funny and tells you exactly what you need to know for the exams. I also appreciated that there was no homework except for a single project. Overall I’d definitely recommend his class; any negative reviews on here are from the rough patch when classes went virtual.
Keith Yearwood

Expecting an A
Insanely easy class. Do not need to show up, just do the exam review. Also a fun lecturer who is funny
Keith Yearwood

Expecting an A
Pretty fun and probably the easiest class I've taken. There are 3 exams (including the non-cumulative final), and he sends out a study guide stating exactly what's on the exam. The exams don't cover that much content, and he tells you in class what you need to write down and what you should just listen to. I found the content interesting plus Yearwood is funny and entertaining, and we'd get let out of lecture early pretty consistently. Some lectures we'd just watch a documentary. There is no homework in the class besides a pretty easy project that took a few hours to complete, and a couple required documentary viewings (only like 3 or 4). Each exam is 25% of our grade plus 25% for the project. Even if you struggle with exams/memorization you'll probably still be fine, the study guides are super detailed and there's not a ton of content on each exam. Fun class, easy I-Series/gened.
Keith Yearwood

Expecting an A
To be honest, I think this wasn't too bad of a class compared to what others have been saying. There is no homework, exams are worth 75%, and there is no final cumulative exam. He also did boost everyone's grade by around 3% which I did appreciate. I would say that it is pretty easy to attain an A in this class without attending a single lecture. However, there are a couple of caveats. He will post an exam review for the topics and sample questions that he may ask so you need to go through each of those. It is also important to take notes through every slide packet he puts on the elms website, and lastly, if he tells you to watch a video and answer some questions make sure to watch the documentaries and answer the questions because they will 100% be on the exam. Those questions are super free, so don't miss the opportunity, and the documentaries (3 required this semester) range from 30-90 minutes. Another problem with the exams is that there may be questions that may not be covered on the slide packets and exam review, so this is where it's helpful to go to lecture as he draws diagrams or specifically says things that may show up on the exams. These questions only make up about 10% of the exam though, and if you are solid at MC exams, then you don't have to worry about this. Yearwood lets us go early sometimes and is a chill professor at the end of the day.
Keith Yearwood

Expecting an A
This class is an easy class. If you are good at memorization, then this class should be a breeze. If you are not good at memorization, I would not take this class. Exams and discussions are all weighted 25% which I really hate. He gives out study guide questions that we should know before taking the exam. We had three in class presentations in our discussions that we had to present. They were really easy. I also had a good TA. I heard discussions are getting removed in this class, but I am not too sure about that. Our class average is around a (83-84). The professor also curved our grade. Also, his exam questions were not coherent. Lecture can get very boring at times, but he knows how to make jokes. I honestly skipped class a lot since this class isn't a priority for me and I still did well. He doesn't give homework.
Keith Yearwood

Expecting an A
Great teacher kept his discussions interesting and was funny. Geog140 is a very easy class if you show up to class or put a little bit of effort in before the exams. Almost all of the hate he gets is from when he was teaching online so if you have him in person he's great.
Keith Yearwood

Expecting a B
Don't take this class with Dr. Yearwood. I took this class for an easy A and it is nothing like that because the exams are hard and annoying and they make up 75% your grade. He claims to be straightforward and not trick you on the exam, but then puts random information you haven't learned on it which makes it difficult. I regret taking this class. The exams are no notes, in person, and contain information that we just didn't go over. His exams are also horribly designed; he loves to make every option choice extremely similar and uses a lot of all of the above. His exams are tricky and if you don't put down exactly the answer he wants then you are wrong. His lectures are useless because he goes off on random tangents all the time and his slides most of the time are either pictures or lots of words. You definitely can pass this class, but it is just annoying and if you can avoid then please do in my opinion.
Keith Yearwood

Expecting an A+
Dr. Yearwood was my favorite professor last semester. He knew his lecture could get boring at times so he often made hilarious remarks to keep us engaged. The curriculum was not difficult and he told us the questions he was going to ask on the all multiple choice exams. He assigned 0 hw and only gave us 3 non-cumulative exams throughout the entire semester. If you study what he tells you will be on the test you should get an A/A+
Keith Yearwood

Expecting an A
I took this class because of Reddit but I'm pretty sure there are easier classes you could take for GenEds. Dr. Yearwood's lectures are pretty boring but he tries to make them funny by telling jokes or going on tangents. 3 EXAMS MAKE UP 75% OF YOUR GRADE and the other 25% is participation from attending discussion. If you are a terrible test taker, DO NOT take this class because if you don't do well on the exams, there aren't any other assignments to boost your grade. That being said, the exams aren't bad because they're all multiple choice and he gives you a very thorough list of what you need to know. If you memorize all the answers to the exam review and know most of the slides, you can definitely pass.
Keith Yearwood

I liked Dr. Yearwood. His lectures were a little boring, but he made them more entertaining by his random tangents he would sometimes go on. There was like 0 homework which was nice, and he tells you exactly what's gonna be on the test (all MC). Pretty easy class. I took it for my major, but it'd be a good gen ed credit too.
Keith Yearwood

Dr. Yearwood isnt a bad teacher, but he also isnt a good teacher. His lectures were funny and I liked that the class itself wasnt really stressful, since we had basically no assignments or work outside of class. Depending on the TA, you might have some work but still nothing too unmanageable. Of course that brings us to the exams. It's pretty ridiculous that 3 exams make up 75% of our grade, and the exams are so short that if you get like 3 or 4 questions wrong, you're already at a B. On top of that, the questions in the exam are horribly designed - you could pick an answer that is technically correct but he will mark you wrong because its not the EXACT definition he said in class. Its almost worse when he adds more questions to the exam though, because the more questions he adds, the more random and ambiguous and weird the questions become. I would recommend going to lecture and just waiting for him to tell you when to write things down because that's what you will need to study. Also thoroughly study the exam reviews because his exams are entirely based on those questions. Honestly, I wouldnt take this class again, but it wasnt the worst thing ever, at least not in person.
Keith Yearwood

Expecting a C+
Do NOT take a class with this professor. Not sure about in-person classes with him, but online was an absolute nightmare. No matter how much studying you do, you won't get full points on exams. Then, students complained to him and he got angry and sent passive-aggressive announcements to us saying that none of us study or retain any info from the slides. (He also added that regardless of the pandemic, we all have to cope, so that felt like a "basically, get over it") We complained to department heads about his grading and stuff and they said it was taken care of... but did my grade change? no. I am in my 3rd year of college. I have had many iffy professors, but nothing like this guy. I wish him the best, but please do not take his class.
Keith Yearwood

Expecting an A
god awful. harsh grader, doesnt do any form of lecture just sends out slides. The gpa for this class is fat but this guy is just not the teacher you want.
Keith Yearwood

Expecting a P
After the course went online, our exams went from simple multiple choice to essay responses. He graded them super harshly––if you didn't put exactly what he was looking for, you'd get like no points.
Keith Yearwood

Expecting a B+
After the semester was moved online, the exams were changed to open response questions. A lot of students agreed that he graded the exams too strictly. He got angry with the class for writing detailed responses and sent out a passive-aggressive ELMS announcement.
Keith Yearwood

Expecting a B+
After the switch to online classes, the online exams are 4-5 short question open responses but he grades them super strictly. He shows absolutely no leniency.
Keith Yearwood

Expecting an A
great teacher to have
Keith Yearwood

Expecting a C
Please avoid him at ALL COST!!! There are only 3 exams that account for 85% of your total grade (the rest are from reading assignments online) and if you screw one up, you are doomed. The material itself is really not that hard, but his exams are extremely confusing because of the way he worded certain questions and answer. Definitely study his study guide before the exams AND the details about the topics he specifically mentioned because they will show up on them for sure. Also, go to his lectures because he gives out questions he might ask on the exams or answers to specific questions. Although he sometimes complains about students' absences and/or how easy and straightforward his exams are(which is not true), just hang on there. Just a final note, sit closer to the front on the day of exams so you can get the test paper earlier (He hands them out ONE BY ONE and still missed some of us...)
Keith Yearwood

There were only three exams and several online assignments. The online assignments were spaced out oddly, as sometimes we would have 2-3 quizzes due on Monday and Wednesday and other weeks we wouldn't have anything due. This threw me off quite often: he doesn't give late credit so if you miss one assignment, you get a zero and it will hurt your grade a ton. I also didn't like how he taught the course. The lectures would be anywhere from 60-300+ slides long, with some pictures and walls of text. It almost looked as if he copied and pasted information from an essay or a textbook and put them in bullet points. Usually, professors try to cover the important information - not every little tiny tiny detail. A 300+ slide long lecture is way too long. The textbook is useless and I would advise to not waste your money on it. You will still have to buy an access code for the online exercises. His exam reviews were helpful and fair. Most of the information in the exam reviews wound up being on the exams, although he occasionally put bizarre questions on the exams anyways. Also as a warning, it seems that Dr. Yearwood didn't know how to enter grade weights into ELMS, meaning that people's grades appeared to be inflated for the entire semester. He had several months to fix this issue and kept refusing to fix the grade weights (or does not know how to), as he kept telling students to just calculate the grades themselves. I admit that I should've noticed earlier, but considering that all my other professors always enter the grade weights correctly at the beginning of the year, I wrongly assumed that he would do the same.
Keith Yearwood

Expecting a C+
Boring professor. Will test you on little details that he barely covers in class. Class is not organized
Keith Yearwood

The class is easy but he is the worst professor possible. Really hated how he taught the class. Exams questions are so confusing. Multiple choice questions will have more than one choice, and because of this a lot of people fail the exams. He makes a lot of mistakes when he grades the exams.