Biogeography and Environmental Change

Restriction: Permission of BSOS-Geography department. Jointly offered w ith GEOG442. Credit only granted for: GEOG788C, GEOG642, or GEOG442. Formerly: GEOG788C. Biogeographical topics of global significance, including a consideration of measurement techniques, and both descriptive and mechanistic modeling. Topics may include: scale in biogeography, biodiversity, carbon geography, climate and vegetation, interannual variability in the biosphere, land cover, global biospheric responses to climate change, NASA's Mission to Planet Earth and Earth Observation System. The class focuses on both natural and athropogenic controls, impacts of biography on climate and ecosystem services and different methods in biogeography.

Fall 2024

8 reviews
Average rating: 3.75

Fall 2023

12 reviews
Average rating: 1.67

Past Semesters

0 reviews
Average rating: N/A

12 reviews
Average rating: 1.67

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.