Directed Study; The Art of Dissent: Aesthetics, Politics, and Civil Disobedience

If you are unsure of your proficiency, please contact a advisor. Cross-listed with SLLC499D, FREN499E, PERS498B, PORT409D, RUSS409D, and SPAN409D. This course explores the complex roles art, literature, cinema, and other cultural products play in social and political movement building, and investigates how language and artistic expression in divercultural contexts negotiate issues such as gender, ethnic, and racial identity; political ideology; religious conflict; social justice.The following cultural traditions will be included: French, German, Persian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. A major component of the course will be experiential learning project.

Past Semesters

3 reviews
Average rating: 4.67

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.