Reviews for HESP202
Information | Review |
Norah Aljunaidi
HESP202 Expecting an A- Anonymous 12/12/2024 |
Norah is very nice and accommodating. She teaches the speech part of this class. I did find her lectures pretty boring because she just read off of the slides, but she was very knowledgeable about what she was teaching. This class is very easy and requires almost no work throughout the semester, but I would not recommend taking it if it is not required for your major. This class has 2 exams (1 for speech and 1 for hearing) which determine your entire grade so if you do not do well on them there isn't much you can do to improve your grade. The exams are pretty difficult and require studying 100+ pages worth of material. It's also difficult to end with an A in the class because an A is a 94+ and most people get lower than that on both exams. If you have to take this class you will do fine, but if you are looking for an A easy elective to take, do not take this class. |
Christina Shields
HESP202 Expecting an A- Anonymous 12/12/2024 |
Dr. Shields is very nice and accommodating. Her lectures are engaging and you can tell she is very interested in audiology. The class is split into two parts: speech and hearing. I personally enjoyed Dr. Shields' lectures a lot more than Norah's (who teaches the speech section of the class). I did go to class but you do not have to as all the notes and lectures are posted online. The class is very easy with very few assignments throughout the course until you get to the two exams which are the worst part. There is one exam for speech and one exam for hearing and they basically determine your entire grade. I studied a lot and still found the tests to be pretty difficult especially because there is so much material crammed into one test which makes it impossible to study for. This class is fine if it is required for your major, but if it is not I would 100% advise you not to take it because there are way easier electives you can take. They say that this class is an "intro-level" class but I found the exams a lot more difficult than that. |
Norah Aljunaidi
HESP202 Expecting an A Anonymous 11/25/2024 |
Norah is great! She taught the speech portion of HESP202 , and after the midterm the class switched to the audiology portion with Dr. Shields (also great!). Her lecture style is casual but engaging & inclusive. Mainly reads from slides but still adds good info during lecturing/conversation. |
Norah Aljunaidi
HESP202 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 05/02/2024 |
This was her very first time teaching an undergrad class before, and you can tell. All she did was read the slides at lightning speed and didn't really speak into the mic so you can't hear her anyways. Also, was late posting the slides and the assignments which are supposed to be uploaded in advance were done weekly instead. However, you can tell she's a really nice person and is trying her best. |
Christina Shields
HESP202 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 05/02/2024 |
I really liked Shields. She was funny and nice. She posted all the work and slides beforehand so you can go at your own pace. She goes through the slides super fast but you just have to do the slides on your own during class. The one Exam was super straightforward and easy, study guide provided was great. |
Sarah Zsak
HESP202 Expecting an A Anonymous 05/12/2023 |
She is a wonderful professor! She uses multiple ways to convey the material- powerpoints, videos (usually of really cute kids), and "turn and talk." She makes her material relevant and applicable to her students. For example, there were a lot of special education majors in my class (or potential education majors) and she connected what we were learning in class with how we would use it as teachers. She is very nice and genuinely cares about students. She wants you to succeed. |
Sarah Zsak
HESP202 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 02/23/2023 |
This was her first year teaching, and she has done an amazing job! She is super engaging and provides interesting examples and stories relating to class material from her personal and work life. She is also super sweet and seems to genuinely care about her students and wants them to do well. |
Christina Shields
HESP202 sonofnile 01/24/2023 |
In terms of the professor: She is usually nice. When students asked questions in class, she would try her best to explain it, but sometimes she wouldn't know the answer and say she would do her own research on it and get back. Luckily, she would usually get back by posting an announcement on ELMS with resources that she felt explained the question well. She does read of the slides most of the time, so it the environment of the classroom can be a bit monotonous at times. I loved it when she brought physical visual aids to class to demonstrate some of the things (e.g., how audiometers are used, the semicircular canals hat). Unfortunately, there weren't many of those physical visual aids. The lectures were also extremely dense with information, oftentimes going through 40+ slides in one lecture; so, it was a bit hard to catch up while writing notes since I prefer doing it by hand. Overall, she was very welcome to questions and concerns during lecture. In terms of the course: It is very easy to fall behind. The readings aren't necessarily heavy, but the lecture slides are dense. It was very easy to feel lost in the readings because they were written at a level for graduate students. You have to put in a lot of efforts outside of class to make sure you don't fall behind. Taking notes before class helped most people, but I had fallen behind before I could get to that. There were 2 exams: 1 midterm and 1 cumulative final. Both exams were also completely dense and only one student was able to get a perfect score while the average was usually between a low C and a B. There are online assignments every week to be completed on ELMS. They were based off of that weeks lectures and readings, and they were due on Friday. They were usually a mix of multiple choice, fill-in-the-blanks, and short responses; sometimes, there would be fill-in-the-blank labelling questions. Finally, there's the project. I felt like the project was too much. It was basically the entire course wrapped up in your own words. You had to provide an overview of the entire auditory system, an overview of the different types of audiological evaluations, go in depth into 3 auditory structures (including their anatomy, physiology, and pathologies), and also providing how audiological evaluations can be interpreted to find those pathologies. We were expected to start early even though it meant we'd have to learn the entire course before even getting halfway through the course. |
Kathleen Skinker
HESP202 Expecting an A Anonymous 05/18/2022 |
Kate is a great professor. I think this may have been her last semester teaching, but I want to leave a review in case she continues. Lectures can be slow and tiring, especially because class was at 9am in a hot lecture hall. Most, if not all, of the material on exams was covered in lecture. If you show up to class (or at least watch the lecture videos when provided) then it's hard to get lower than a B. |
Kathleen Skinker
HESP202 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 11/10/2020 |
This class was ridiculously easy. If you show up to class and pay attention you literally cannot get below a 90%. Kate is super quirky and nice and tlaking to her always brightened my day. TBH i loved her and can't wait to take another class of hers |
Kathleen Skinker
HESP202 Expecting an A Anonymous 12/18/2019 |
Ridiculously easy, stopped attending class in the first month and just watched the recorded lectures on 2x a couple days before exams and got an A. Pretty interesting information but lectures were boring. |
Kathleen Skinker
HESP202 Expecting a B+ Anonymous 05/02/2019 |
Kind of annoying, and not as accommodating as she tries to make herself seem. Has high expectations for students, and is not understanding when students cannot meet them. |
Kathleen Skinker
HESP202 Expecting an A Anonymous 02/08/2019 |
Kate is a great professor. Show up to class, do the readings and the quizzes, and you can't get less than a B. Sometimes the material is a little dry but she does her best to make it interesting. Sitting in the front is worth it because she will recognize you. Several quizzes (5?), 2 exams + non cumulative final, easy and quick project summarizing child language development. |
Kathleen Skinker
HESP202 Expecting an A Anonymous 07/21/2013 |
Kate is excellent. She's a great lecturer. She's funny, experienced, and such a sweet person. If you get above a 90, she gives you an A, not an A-. The class was a good taste of hearing and speech sciences, while not being too much work. There was one paper, it was short and easy. You watch a movie for it. |
Kathleen Skinker
HESP202 Expecting an A+ Anonymous 05/24/2012 |
Kate is a fantastic professor. She has been in the profession for years, so she knows what she's talking about. She has a lot of examples of all of the different disorders we learned about, which really helped me understand everything she was talking about. I would recommend going to lecture, but missing one or two is fine, you can get notes from a friend. If you do have to miss lecture, I'd recommend reading the corresponding text. All of her lectures come directly from the book, so just study lecture notes when studying for tests. Basically if you show up to class you'll do fine. Definitely a good class and one of my favorite professors. |
Kathleen Skinker
HESP202 Expecting a B Anonymous 12/06/2011 |
This class wasn't as easy I anticipated. I had heard that it was an easy A. There aren't many graded assignments. Fall 2011 there were 5 quizzes (1 dropped), 2 tests, and a non cumulative final. Plus we were required to do experimental participation. That was easy though. The quizzes are multiple choice based entirely off the reading, which is in the book. She announces a few days before each quiz when it will be and what it will be on. And although she says that she chooses the biggest points and if you read you shouldn't have a problem on the quizzes, I always read for the quizzes and still failed 2 of the 4 we've had thus far. The material isn't very hard, but you do have to study to remember it all. Because there aren't many graded assignments one bad grade can really bring you down. I really liked Kate and the class was really interesting, I just wish I had been more on top of it from the beginning. It can be an easy class if you stay on top of the material. |
Kathleen Skinker
HESP202 Expecting an A Siema101 05/17/2011 |
Good professor, cares about how students perform in the class. Tests are not too bad as long as you study. I recommend using a laptop because you need to take a lot of notes. For all the lazy people that don't go to class, they do not get as good grades. |
Kathleen Skinker
HESP202 Expecting an A aschnei4 12/15/2010 |
Required to go to lecture, but if you miss one you can copy notes from someone or meet with the TAs. Slides are self-explanatory, but professor adds things in class that helped me remember the information (examples, videos, demonstrations). Dropped one quiz, gave extra credit to those who were there the day before Thanksgiving, gave extra credit if over 95% of class filled out course evaluation, extra credit to 10 people in the hearing section if you get to the front of the class first. Exams are multiple choice, true/false, matching, and fill-in the blank. I thought the first exam would be easier--need to know the information well and memorize what terms belong in which category to get an A. After first exam you can figure out how to study for her exams. Final was not cumulative. |
Kathleen Skinker
HESP202 Expecting an A Anonymous 05/23/2010 |
This class was very interesting. Kate is so knowledgable about the subject. There's not too much to your grade- 5 quizzes, 1 two page paper, and 3 non cumulative exams. You do have to go to lecture becuase she never posts slides on elms, and tests are almost 100% based off of lecture notes. The class is quite time consuming, but isn't bad compared to many other electives. I did learn a lot too. |
Kathleen Skinker
HESP202 Anonymous 05/11/2010 |
I didn't really like this class- you really have to pay attention all the time in order to do well. I'm not a bad student, but I don't have that many hours to devote to this one class. |
Kathleen Skinker
HESP202 Expecting an A Anonymous 04/27/2010 |
I loved Kate. Her voice is not bad at all and she's perfectly intelligible. Her tests are straight from the powerpoints, but she doesn't post them online so you have to go to class. There's one two page paper which was a review on a movie with a person with a developmental disorder (I watched I Am Sam). There are 2 experiential requirements. She gives quizzes but tells you in class and emails you exactly when they are and exactly what you need to read (which isn't much) to pass them. I took this class as an elective but loved it so much I'm thinking about majoring in hearing and speech. |
Kathleen Skinker
HESP202 Expecting an A- Anonymous 01/14/2009 |
Her voice drove me out of my mind and the class was early so I basically never went. All of the quizzes are 5 questions mult. choice but she tells you when they are. Tests are straight from the notes so all you need to do is copy someones notes and your fine. This class is easy but if you take it too easy you can get screwed. |
Kathleen Skinker
HESP202 blf123 04/15/2008 |
Kate is a great teacher. She is really animated and keeps you on your toes. She wants you to do well, and proves it by throwing out questions on tests that too many people get wrong. Really interesting class (HESP202) and she's a great person to take it with |