Civil War and the Rise of Industrialization, 1860-1900

Prerequisite: HIST200, HIST201, HIST210, HIST213, HIST222, HIST254, HIST255, or HIST275; or must have completed HIST156 or HIST157; or permission of instructor. Credit only granted for: HIST355 or HIST364. Civil War, sectional and class conflicts and their impact on American life and institutions from the beginning of the Civil War through the Gilded Age; social, economic, and political reconstruction of the Union; industrialization, urbanization, and technological changes.

Fall 2024

65 reviews
Average rating: 4.80

Past Semesters

65 reviews
Average rating: 4.80

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Average rating: N/A

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Average rating: N/A

65 reviews
Average rating: 4.80

65 reviews
Average rating: 4.80

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.