Special Topics in History; The History of the Catholic Church

This course will combine European history with global history, looking both at how the Catholic Church has changed in the face of major turningpoints in modern European history (the Scientific, French, and Russian Revolutions; the two world wars; and the Cold War) and at its missionary encounters across the world (in the Americas, Africa, and Asia).

Sister Courses: HIST419A, HIST419B, HIST419C, HIST419D, HIST419E, HIST419F, HIST419I, HIST419J, HIST419K, HIST419L, HIST419M, HIST419N, HIST419O, HIST419P, HIST419Q, HIST419R, HIST419T, HIST419V, HIST419W, HIST419X, HIST419Z

Past Semesters

2 reviews
Average rating: 3.50

5 reviews
Average rating: 5.00

5 reviews
Average rating: 5.00

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.