Carnal Knowledge: Health, Data, and Power from Enlightenment to WebMD

"Carnal knowledge" may sound provocative but, in a literal sense, it describes information derived from and about the human body. Consider a ship captain observing the tattoos of sailors to understand their origins, a surgeon examining a cadaver for signs of saintliness, or a natural philosopher ingesting an herb to determine its toxicity. These are instances of carnal knowledge. Historically, such intimate acts turned the body into a site of data collection and a powerful source of information. Both by choice and by force, the instrumentalization of the human body was used to solve scientific problems as well as to justify hierarchies of race and sex. Through a deep engagement with this material, students will connect topics such as the transatlantic slave trade to cell lines as they uncover the embodied relationship between information and power that still shapes our world today. Restricted to UH students matriculating in Fall 2020 or later. This course is part of the "Information & Power" thematic cluster. Information & Power courses will be offered through Spring 2023.

Sister Courses: HNUH258A, HNUH258B, HNUH258U, HNUH258V, HNUH258W, HNUH258Y

Past Semesters

17 reviews
Average rating: 5.00

17 reviews
Average rating: 5.00

17 reviews
Average rating: 5.00

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.