Special Topics in Information Studies; Team Management for Information Science

This upper-level seminar for undergraduates delves into the management of teams, including cross-cultural and diverse teams, using information science examples. You will gain a better understanding of team characteristics (e.g. diversity) and team processes (e.g. conflicts) that affect outcomes (e.g. productivity, satisfaction).

Sister Courses: INST398A, INST398B, INST398E, INST398G, INST398J, INST398L, INST398M

Fall 2024

4 reviews
Average rating: 4.25

19 reviews
Average rating: 3.37

Past Semesters

4 reviews
Average rating: 4.50

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.