Practical Skills in HCI; Participatory Design Research Practicum (Kids Team)

Students will meet a total of 8 times, for a combined experience consisting of in-depth seminar-style readings on participatory design, hands-on participation with KidsTeam (virtual), and the experience of co-leading and debriefing a session of their own. Meeting dates are as follows: 01/26, 01/28, 02/02, 02/04, 02/09, 02/11, 02/16.

Sister Courses: INST639A, INST639C, INST639D, INST639E, INST639F, INST639G, INST639H, INST639I, INST639J, INST639L, INST639M, INST639O, INST639P

Past Semesters

8 reviews
Average rating: 3.25

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.