Reviews for ISRL329B

Information Review
Eric Zakim

Expecting an A
Slow grader and not easy for a gened, but some of the people here come to this website just to complain that they didn't get an A for doing no work. Zakim is hella funny and super smart. It's definitelly really possible to get an A if you just watch the stuff we're supposed to (can do other hw during) and just write like you agree with his opinions.
Eric Zakim

Very disorganized professor. He would post our assignments a couple days before they were due and expect us to be able to watch a whole season of a TV show in one or two days (mostly because he forgot to post the episodes until a day or two before class). The class and grading were entirely based around his opinions. Furthermore, grades were not entered in until the end of the semester so we had no indication of our performance in the class until it was too late to fix.