Seminar in Israel Studies; War and Peace in Israeli Discourse 1967 to the Present

Cross-listing with COMM498M. Credit only granted for ISRL448M or COMM498M. This course examines two oppositional discourses in Israel: 1) war discourse, which utilizes various discursive strategies, such as metaphors, lexical choices, and euphemisms, to routinize war; 2) peace discourse: which utilizes conciliatory speech acts, equivocation in diplomatic discourse, recognition discourse, and separation and engagement discourses. We will explore how war and peace discourses impact social consciousness in Israel.

Sister Courses: ISRL448A, ISRL448B, ISRL448C, ISRL448D, ISRL448E, ISRL448F, ISRL448G, ISRL448J, ISRL448L, ISRL448N, ISRL448O, ISRL448R, ISRL448V

Past Semesters

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Average rating: 5.00

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Average rating: 5.00

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.