Zionism and Sexual Revolution
Cross-listed with: ISRL249N. Credit only granted for: ISRL249N or JWST219G. In this course we will look at changes within European Jewish communities that influenced the development of particular fantasies about and representations of gender, love, and sex, and we will examine the ideological import of these ideas within the context of attempts to construct new forms of societies and relationships in Palestine and Israel. Cross-listing with: ISRL249N. Credit only granted for: ISRL249N or JWST219G. In this course we will look at changes within European Jewish communities that influenced the development of particular fantasies about and representations of gender, love, and sex. Also, we will examine the ideiological import of these ideas within the context of attempts to construct new forms of societies and relationships in Palestine and Israel.
Sister Courses: JWST219A, JWST219F, JWST219J, JWST219L, JWST219M, JWST219N, JWST219O, JWST219Q, JWST219T
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