Special Topics in Kinesiology; Equity & Diversity: Contemporary Issues in Physical Activity Participation & Health

Students will begin to develop cultural competence foundational to understanding how to promote equality in physical activity and health related programs involving a diverse population of children, families, patients, or clients.

Sister Courses: KNES498, KNES498A, KNES498C, KNES498D, KNES498F, KNES498G, KNES498K, KNES498L, KNES498M, KNES498N, KNES498O, KNES498Q, KNES498T, KNES498V, KNES498W, KNES498Y

Past Semesters

1 review
Average rating: 4.00

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.