Special Topics in Korean Studies; Intro to Korean Civilization

This is a CIC courseshare course. The instructor, Professor Juhn Ahn, is at the University of Michigan, but UMD students enroll and receive it at UMD. In order to better understand the resurgence of Korean films in recent years and the critical acclaim that they received domestically and globally, this course will examine representative films, directors, and genres during the last hundred years in South Korea. We will explore different genres of historical drama, melodrama, literary adaptation, horror, mystery, and monster films, and will discuss topics pertaining to family, sexuality, gender, cultural tradition, national identity, social movement, and urbanization. We will also pay particular attention to the historical context of films, and how artistic assertion and negotiation of the time are reflected in their final cut.

Sister Courses: KORA398A, KORA398D, KORA398E, KORA398F, KORA398G, KORA398I, KORA398J, KORA398K, KORA398L, KORA398M, KORA398N, KORA398V, KORA398W, KORA398Y, KORA398Z

Past Semesters

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* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.