It's About Time

Do moments cease to exist when they recede into the past? Does time actually pass, or is it just a psychological illusion? Using time travelas our central example, we'll examine these questions through the lens of philosophy, science fiction, and physics

Sister Courses: PHIL209A, PHIL209B, PHIL209C, PHIL209D, PHIL209E, PHIL209G, PHIL209I, PHIL209J, PHIL209M, PHIL209N, PHIL209U

Past Semesters

11 reviews
Average rating: 2.64

2 reviews
Average rating: 4.50

1 review
Average rating: 5.00

1 review
Average rating: 5.00

19 reviews
Average rating: 4.74

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.