Reviews for PHYS272H

Information Review
James Drake

Expecting an A
Dr. Drake is the best physics professor I have ever had. He loves teaching, can always answer questions and makes sure we are well prepared for exams. He's understanding if you mess up, in that he'll drop either a midterm, half the final, or your homework grade. He even drops your two lowest homework grades on top of that and allows short extensions. His review sessions are goated, so long as you at least know the concepts covered by the exam, funny that. Dr. Drake genuinely wants you exceed in his class, and his exams are not too different from the practice exams he provides. He has lectures twice a week and a shorter class for questions once a week, where he even accepts homework questions, and he will show you how to work them out in class, so try to finish your homework before that class. He makes the content for this class manageable, and though I was unable to understand everything during lectures, simply reviewing outside of lectures and supplementing with the textbook was all that was necessary to digest the material. I highly recommend this professor if you ever have a chance of taking him.
Rajarshi Roy

Expecting a B+
I agree with everything the previous review said, so instead of reiterating that, I'll just talk about my experience in the Honors version of 272 for anyone who's curious. The only thing that makes this different from the regular 272 class is that we have to research a specific topic related to E&M and eventually write a paper and do a presentation of what we found at the end of the semester. That's it! Every week the Honors group would meet together with Raj and our TA and we would simply share a small summary/report of our new findings that week. The schedule is very flexible and he canceled the meetings the week before a midterm so that we could study. It was a very fun experience where I learned a lot about what I like, and Raj was visibly very supportive of everyone, which was motivating. Whether you take Honors or not, Raj would be your best choice for any physics class. He is the kindest and most understanding professor I have ever had as of yet.
Douglas Hamilton

Expecting an A
This review is for Douglas C. Hamilton. (the physics professor!) Professor Hamilton was an excellent teacher; he clearly explained concepts and was very open to students. He encouraged class discussions & participation, and was very approachable during office hours or after class. The only reservation I have is that I took the "H" version of the phys272 class. Big mistake. There is additional homework every week (which was no big deal) but additionally, there was a 10 page paper on a physics topic of choice. It was dreadful... There are much easier H-versions, but Professor Hamilton was very good nonetheless.