Reviews for PSYC489Y

Information Review
Arianna Gard

This class is somewhat interesting but she literally hates you and makes you feel targeted if you are on the quieter side. Statistics is especially emphasized so if you aren’t good with that stuff maybe don’t take this class (it seems like everything was about stats) and she is super picky with grading, especially with her podcasts assignments and the 30-75min presentation on a research paper. She also treats you like a highschooler/ middle schooler and monitors you during class and you HAVE to say something insightful or else you won’t do well participation wise (also don’t even think about checking your phone quickly or some other stuff that isn’t class related…she will catch you and shred half of your participation points off for the day AND leave a passive aggressive comment about you slacking off even though you participated). Finally, her final paper was such a mess. The description for the assignment was literally an essay in and of itself and was so confusing that she had to send a clarifying email a week before it was due (which didn’t clarify anything, only made it confusing).
Arianna Gard

Expecting an A
I recommend this professor! Dr. Gard is very fun and demonstrates a lot of knowledge and excitement in regards to course content. This is a small class, so she is very accommodating in terms of deadlines and needs. She also provides a lot of positive and constructive feedback on written assignments. Lectures are interesting and engaging, and a big part of your grade is just attending class and talking.
Arianna Gard

Expecting an A
Clear expectations, amenable to students' needs/feedback, cares about your learning without making you unnecessarily stress about grades. I loved her and could not recommend her more highly. You won't regret taking her class!