Jews, Christians, and Muslims in Medieval Spain: Tolerance, Oppression, and the Problematic Past

Cross-listed with: HIST289A. Credit only granted for: HIST289A or RELS289C. For 800 years, medieval Spain was home to one of the most religiously diverse societies in European history. Despite frequent hostilities, the interactions of Spanish Jews, Christians, and Muslims produced a flowering of science, theology, and literature in an often remarkably tolerant climate. Students will learn how medieval Spanish people themselves experienced interreligious contact and conflict. They will also discover the modern pressures, prejudices, and ideals that have shaped historians interpretations of medieval Spain.

Sister Courses: RELS289D, RELS289I, RELS289J, RELS289M

Spring 2024

17 reviews
Average rating: 3.59

Past Semesters

17 reviews
Average rating: 3.59

17 reviews
Average rating: 3.59

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.