Special Topics in Religious Studies; Islam and the Body

The body is central to enacting facets of Islamic culture across history: worshippers ritually wash, mystical mendicants dance, love poets starve themselves, and pilgrims walk well-trodden routes. This course will thus explore why and how bodies matter: how are bodily norms created and enforced? How have people tried to transcend their individual, mortal, embodied selves, and why? How does religion help people make sense of their bodily experiences? How does it deal with bodily differences?

Sister Courses: RELS319B, RELS319G, RELS319J, RELS319K, RELS319N

Past Semesters

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Average rating: 4.33

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.