Special Topics in United States Latino Cultures; Spanish as a Heritage Language: Theory and Pedagogy

Cross-listing with SPAN678C. Designed for educators and researchers, this course introduces students to the developing field of Spanish as a Heritage Language by means of exploring key topics in SHL research and education in the US, including HL speakers bilingualism, the sociolinguistic profiles of SHL speakers and learners, and different pedagogical proposals for teaching SHL. All course materials will be approached considering their research as well as teaching-oriented perspectives and implications. Students will work with oral, written, and multimodal data to understand relevant issues in SHL and develop research-oriented orteaching-oriented projects. Taught in Spanish.

Sister Courses: SPAN478A, SPAN478B, SPAN478I, SPAN478P

Past Semesters

3 reviews
Average rating: 2.00

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.