Public Health Without Borders: Designing Culturally Competent Global Projects
The skills learned in this course are intended to engage students in critical thinking prior to a study abroad, global health project, or other international service experience in such a way that adds depth for the student and minimizes unintended negative consequences for local communities. The course is designed in three parts to prepare students to think critically about reciprocity in international service projects and develop scholarship in practice. Community members are viewed as partners, educators, and trusted advisors. Furthermore, since global health projects begin long before the plane lands, money is exchanged, and the first of many plastic bottles of water is purchased, the course begins with broad definitions of key concepts to heighten awareness of unintended consequences of well-meaning volunteers, then leads students through reflection and writing to apply these concepts and provides opportunity to integrate key concepts into plans for projects that serve global communities with cultural competence. Students will explore the needs of global communities, design interventions, and reflect on the potential outcomes in improving health in the communities served, while also focusing on their own subjective experience.
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