Special Topics in Intermediate Theatre and Performance; Stage Design & Opera

The music in opera establishes a world in which the action and drama takes place. This class will discuss what elements of the world are needed to help the structure of the story while helping the audience understand motifs and themes in an opera. Students will become familiar with design concepts and strengthen a vocabulary to communicate their ideas of their worlds to others. Students must pay a $25 lab fee.

Sister Courses: THET328C, THET328D, THET328E, THET328K, THET328L, THET328M, THET328N, THET328O, THET328R, THET328T, THET328V, THET328W, THET328Y

Past Semesters

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* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.