Research on Technology in Education

Credit only granted for: EDCI788Q or TLPL703. Formerly: EDCI788Q. Additional information: Priority will be given to students in the Technology Learning and Leadership specialization. Students explore the research methodologies used by those doing research with and on learning technologies, focusing on cultural, experimental, design and learning analytic approaches. Emphasis will be on asking meaningful research questions related to technology and exploring methodological and analytical approaches for answering them. This course will also explore research methods that examine the efficacy of new technologies, research about technology, design methods.

Spring 2024

3 reviews
Average rating: 5.00

Past Semesters

3 reviews
Average rating: 5.00

0 reviews
Average rating: N/A

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.