Reviews for WMST255

Information Review
Martha Nell Smith

Expecting a D
this class may be the worst thing in the entire world. the teacher is not only a huge ***** and not understanding, but a complete moron. She is extermely black and white and does not care about anything but her class. She seems to think that her class is the most important. She gives tons of readings and no one ever does well on the papers. There are 3 papers and most people got Cs. She freaks out if you miss a lecture and gives pop quizes. I really suggest you dont take this class. She is the enemy!
Martha Nell Smith

This is what i said for my course evaluation. I WOULD ADVISE YOU NOT TO TAKE THIS COURSE FOR THE REASONS I LIST BELOW! The teaching style of the course was abysmal, it is completely unfair to base so much of our grade on such short papers. Having a 1 page paper be worth 10% of our grade (a 2-3 page paper worth 15% of our grade), is an unfair way of evaluating our knowledge of the readings. Furthermore, we were supposed to have writing workshops before our papers were due and we haven't had any and we aren't having one on our last paper. Without writing workshops, I have been unable to improve my writing thus I have received bad grades on both of my papers. I wish the criteria for the papers was clear, so that we could know what we are being evaluated on. The grading seems to be very random, and it seems unfair that I was penalized for following the assignment on my second paper. Also, having a final exam and pop quizzes in a literature class is annoying because the class should be more about papers and less about memorizing which poet wrote which poem. Overall, I would NEVER recommend this course to another student. I think the course needs to be revamped first, by limited the number of students who enroll. Having a literature class with 180 students is stupid. In lectures with such a large number of students, it is impossible to really discuss the readings. Also, when we don't start class until 2:10 when the class is supposed to start at 2:00 we lose out on much needed time. The readings were entirely too long and were often boring. It is crazy to assume that we will remember the names, authors, and summaries for so many poems. Furthermore, they were difficult to understand and we did not have adequate class time to discuss all of the readings. Having class twice a week for 50 minutes just isn't enough time given the amount of readings we have to go over. We often didn't have time to get through all of the slides, but we were still responsible for the material? That's just insane because it isn't our fault that the lecture time is so limited. Overall, the expectations for this course are way too high for an intro level class, and I hope that the course can be changed to make it better because I feel that this topic is extremely important.
Marilee Lindemann

Expecting a C
If you really like to analyze novels and various short stories and poems then get ready for this course. This semester the TA's sucked and I would just be prepared to buy like 8 novels and english majors this is the class for you...also lesbianism is very important in this class because the professor is know your background information!!!