Racialized Gender and Rebel Media

Credit only granted for: WMST291 or WMST298N. Formerly: WMST298N. An introduction to the interdisciplinary field of women's studies and an exploration of the ways in which media has been used as a platform for racial justice, feminist activism, and cultural transformation, with a principal focus on the expressions of women of color. The goals of the course are to explore how different forms of media shape the stories which circulate about race, femininities, masculinities, ethnicities, sexualities, religiosity, power and difference, and to examine how various media formats been used to disrupt dominant stories, to tell new stories, and to create differing understandings of citizenship. How do different forms of media shape the stories which circulate about race, femininities, masculinities, ethnicities, sexualities, religiosity, power and difference? How have various media formats been used to disrupt dominant stories, to tell new stories, and to create differing understandings of citizenship? This course is an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of women's studies and an exploration of the ways that media has been used as a platform for racial justice, feminist activism, and cultural transformation, with a principal focus on the expressions of women of color.

Sister Courses: WMST298D, WMST298F, WMST298I

Past Semesters

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2 reviews
Average rating: 5.00

5 reviews
Average rating: 4.20

2 reviews
Average rating: 4.50

* "W"s are considered to be 0.0 quality points. "Other" grades are not factored into GPA calculation. Grade data not guaranteed to be correct.