Ed-Love Aidoo

This professor has taught: IDEA101
Information Review
Ed-Love Aidoo

Expecting an A+
Prof. Aidoo is very sweet and nice. Do the work like she ask and you will get the point. Miss it without permission and that's it for you. The question here is, is she a tough grader, I will personally say no (this is because I do all of my assignment on time and gets the grade). She is very understanding and will be nice if you ask but if you don't you are domed lol.
Ed-Love Aidoo

If you have to take IDEA101 do it with a different professor. While she's nice she takes the class WAY too seriously and grades harshly taking points off of everyone's work (when you look at the average you can see the highest grade given and multiple times the highest was still not 100%). The class itself isn't hard but my class was the only one that not everyone had 100% in and every other one of my friends who had a different professor had 100% if they did all the work. She isn't mean but takes it too seriously and will hold you the whole time even though she will say she is going to let you out early. Choose a different professor if you can.