Angelica Alonso

This professor has taught: EDHD402
Information Review
Angelica Alonso

Expecting an A
Professor Alonso was very nice and pretty accommodating, but was very strict with due dates and requirements. She is also very strict about plagiarizing her slides or what she says and our class got in trouble when our exam answers sounded too similar to the slide content. Which was confusing and stressful for the class because you can only reword a theory or explanation enough before it is an incorrect description of it. We had a large final project (weighted more than exams) which took up about the last month of class, and in that time we learned no new material. When finals time came around, we did not review any material because no one had emailed her ahead of time with questions, even though we were all focused on the giant project that was due. the material was interesting but the strictness was frustrating for sure.