Sreeramamurthy Ankem

This professor has taught: ENMA300, ENMA362, ENMA421, ENMA464, ENMA484, ENMA499, ENMA621, ENMA661, ENMA664, ENMA688, ENMA698K, ENME382
Information Review
Sreeramamurthy Ankem

Expecting an A
Personally I thought his speaking was pretty easy to understand though I can see why it may be a little hard. Definitely not a dealbreaker though. He basically reads off the very detailed lecture slides which can make it boring, but for me it was mostly boring because I felt like the content itself was EXTREMELY boring (probably the most boring content i have had to sit through ever, comparable somewhat to ENMA300 since its basically that but more in depth). The labs in this class are easy (at least it was for us, we had very chill TAs) and some were also kind of fun. Exams and quizzes were also very fair but some of the homework problems were a little complicated, which wasnt a big deal if you went to office hours or the TAs for some help.
Sreeramamurthy Ankem

Expecting a B
I would give him a zero if that was an option. Absolutely incoherent when speaking and writing on the board, and all of his slides were straight from the textbook, so we were really on our own. At least he isn't a harsh grader. Hands down the worst professor I've had at this university. Best of luck MatES.
Sreeramamurthy Ankem

Ankem is slightly difficult to understand, but his lecture slides are very clear. He has a sense of humor and is a decent teacher. He will post slides before exams to help you study. The exams are straightforward, so if you study the notes you should be fine. There are pop quizes, 2 exams, 1 paper and a presentation. Overall, ENMA464 is a pretty easy class as long as you attend class.