Babak Azimi-Sadjadi

This professor has taught: BIOI603, DATA603, ENTS659A, MSML603, MSQC603
Information Review
Babak Azimi-Sadjadi

Expecting an A
Taking DATA603 made me realize some things about computer science. Our researchers are uninterested in bettering society, playing up the various technologies that harm millions. There is something deeply disturbing about the lack of skepticism within the "Machine Learning" fields of CS research. Babak Azimi-Sadjadi taught me how to take advantage of the vulnerable; people who are affected by the technologies he promotes as "useful" or "revolutionary," for one, and the people he is choosing to misinform on a daily basis. Whether or not he realizes what he is doing is irrelevant. Collecting mass data and violating people's privacy? Supporting autonomous vehicles, as they ravage American cities and kill innocent pedestrians with no consequences? This man has no sociological imagination. If you, like me, think that "Intelligent Automation" is not the way of the future, but a way of corporate control, then I encourage you to not take DATA603, especially not with Babak. If you're a student who thinks what I am saying is complete BS, that's fine. We are not taught to think critically about the various ethical, economical, and political quandaries the technologies we learn about bring. In the end, the people who will benefit from this technologies is not you, or me, or even Babak, but the people at the upper echelon of society who have more wealth than the human mind can comprehend, and get away with offshoring their assets in crypto wallets and overseas banks. Computer Science can be used for tremendous good, and its sad to see our school give courses like these the most love and attention.
Babak Azimi-Sadjadi

barged in on another final exam and tried to kick out all the students before the exam period was up so that he could set up his own exam. called the professor a perjorative